Enabling the waitlist

Waitlists are disabled by default.

TDs can enable waitlist registration in the "Waitlist" section of their tournament page.

There can be a single waitlist for the entire tournament, a waitlist for each division, or a waitlist for each pool.

TDs may choose to charge the full division entry fee to be added to a waitlist, or an alternative fee can be specified, e.g. $10, $5, $0.

Promoting players from the waitlist

To move a player from the waitlist to the Registered Players list, use the "Promote" link next to their name in the Waitlist section.

Disc Golf Scene will send an email to the promoted player (if their email address is available) with a link to submit any remaining payment required and/or to confirm their registration details.

Players behind the promoted player on the waitlist will be moved up one spot automatically.

Adding players to the waitlist

When a class, division or the tournament is full, players can be added to a Waitlist.

TDs can enable the waitlist so players can register and be put on the Waitlist automatically.

Players can also be added to the Waitlist manually by tournament staff. To add a player to the Waitlist, enter a number in the "WL #" column of the "Add / edit players" section.

Will changing division/class/pool caps automatically promote players from the waitlist?

Players are never automatically promoted from the waitlist.

To promote a player from the waitlist, use the "Waitlist" section of your tournament page.