Wortman Park
McMinnville, OR · 1 course · 12 holes

This course is pretty great.
Unlike earlier comments from years ago, it is easy to navigate. It has been updated with a bulletin board (at the far left of the main parking lot) with a large course ...
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Public Relation's Officer for MVDSA. The Wortman course is getting bigger and better T-Pads when enough donations for concrete come in, and give thanks to the Scouts we now have T-Sign's! I seen a com ...
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No tee signs or course map present. The tee pads are very small and the hole #s on them are wornaments out too.

Fun course in the summer I would think. Played it in the winter and it is very wet and muddy. Great layout and baskets. The tee pads are to small and tee signs are non existent. Makes it tough to navi ...
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First time here; played with Brad Rich before meeting. If not for DiscGolfScene pictures, would not have found hole 1 for awhile (still took us 10 minutes). Great course with some awesome shots. Tee p ...
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This course is easy to underestimate. There are no real long throws, but enough tree coverage to keep it difficult. Alot of the trees have low branches which makes it hard for any kind of high rought. ...
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What a Crazy Course. The course layout is actually pretty cool, AND FUN, BUT the other people in this park don't give a SH@# what your doing. LOTS of kids playing by baskets, people riding bikes and w ...
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really enjoyed the course. I been playing for four months and I felt the course was perfect for begginers and advanced players. Lots of shots through trees and a lot of lefty holes. (im a lefty) great ...
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