
Wilton Lyndeborough High School

Wilton, NH · 1 course · 18 holes

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Kenneth Martin Played here for the first time today. Some decent holes but was disappointed to see when I got to hole 16 that the basket on that hole and the next two appear to have been stolen. Sad to see someone desecrate a public park that is intended for all to have fun. Really pathetic. Aug 27, 2017
Noah Proctor Aug 28, 2017 Hi Ken- Three new holes have been created and baskets have been moved. New signs are in the works.After you play hole 9 (on top of the rock) there is a new 10,,11, & 12.
Kenneth Martin Sep 1, 2017 Thanks for the info Noah. I will definitely be back there to play!
Bob Testa Signage has been added to all holes and several directional arrows added. So the course has gotten easier to follow. Several great holes on this course, which are worth checking out. Sep 25, 2016
Ryan Tufts Played the course today. Great job whoever added the new arrows and new hole #9. Good variety of holes between wooded, tight wooded, uphill & downhill, and the couple of field holes alongside the athletic fields (#6's and 7). I will definitely be back. Aug 22, 2016
Richard Hamel
Played Wilton for the first time yesterday. The course is very easy to find. As you drive up School Road a small kiosk is on the left and the teepad for hole# 1 is right behind it. The parking lot is ... show more ›
Aug 6, 2014
Huk Holt Been a minute since ive been on here. Been busy building this baby and moving to Colorado. Holler at your boy!
Mark 'Huk' Holt
May 22, 2014
Greg Bianco May 21, 2014 Hey dude, when U come' out this way?
Mat Ladroga May 22, 2014 how do you have #39909? ho long have you had a memebership?
Huk Holt May 22, 2014 Been a pro since 2009. I'll be home in July Greg. July 6th I'm hoping to have an event
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