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Paul Grice October 10, 2023 at 11:44am
The Disc Golf of Georgia COURSE / CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Wills Park, Alpharetta, Georgia!
Here's how it works (optional) - I am asking Wills Park to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - in Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member (please join) but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia COURSE/ CLUB OF THE WEEK is Wills Park, Alphare ...
Paul Grice March 10, 2022 at 12:44am
The Disc Golf of Georgia CLUB OF THE WEEK from Disc Golf Scene is Northsiders.
Here's how it works - I am asking Northsiders to post and comment about their city, county, club, courses and members - on Disc Golf of Georgia facebook group! Also to post pics and videos etc. Of course if you are not a member but have played disc golf there please post or comment.
The Disc Golf of Georgia club of the week is Northsiders.
Be sure to register for their upcoming events / tournaments. Also invit ...
Rock Arnold June 24, 2015 at 2:59am
When are doubles at the park? Thanks!
Wills doubles are every Wednesday at 530pm. Bookmark this link to refer to any Atlanta action, Rock https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=2coit3m3atuq8gqbfun06ovfoo%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York