Nick Oliver June 27, 2013 at 6:58pm
Please dont forget next weekend, July 7th, Disc Golf For Haiti. Help us bring some aid in the form of a fresh water catching system to a part of Haiti. Food, disc, people, prizes, and best of all COMMUNITY! Please help us make this successful.
Jesse Whitlock June 25, 2013 at 12:42am
Left a white disc on hole 1 in the creek! 2010 stamp with my name and # on it. $ or reward for return
Nick Oliver June 21, 2013 at 6:29am
Lost my blue Stingray on 9. Was anhyzer around the bend but high up and I saw it for a spilt second start to flip left :-(
Name and number on there.
Geoffrey Johnson June 19, 2013 at 9:58pm
how are the skeeters out there?
In all honesty, I've never seen the mosquitos here in such epic proportions as they are often described. They still manage to get to you even though you've got OFF and Cutter, but they're not swarming around in clouds these days.
i found bug spray at CVS that was 98 percent deet lol. it works good at willow
Nick Oliver June 19, 2013 at 12:11am
Don't forget July 7th we are having a cook out fundraiser tournament called Disc Golf for Haiti. It's all for a great cause and we really want the support of the locals who call Willow home or just love to be a part of this community. So check it on the event page and come eat, drink, and enjoy a Sunday morning for a beautiful cause.
Gabe Cadorin June 18, 2013 at 3:50pm
Lost white buzz on 24. Maybe acrossed creek. Not sure if name on it. Ohio am championship stamp on front. Reward.
Mike Stratford June 12, 2013 at 5:39am
Did anybody pick up my glow aviar with a rainbow stamp?? Though it was in my bag but it is not there ..
did you leave it at your boyfriends next to your rainbow speedo lmao
Douglas McIntosh June 10, 2013 at 6:08pm
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 11th at 5:30pm - Willow Metro Park - Long tees
Huron Valley PDGA Sanctioned Summer League is heading to Willow this week
anyone can get a rated round for $1
for those that would like to play for cash. we will $5 Pro and $5 am2 divisions.
there will also be an optional $2 ace pool and a $2 cash CTP each week - Ace pool is @ $64
Scott Martinelli May 17, 2013 at 10:38pm
I lost a green Buzzz w/ Ice Bowl stamp on hole #1. Reward if returned, $10 or a disc
William "Bullet Bill" Pope May 17, 2013 at 4:09am
Any suggestions for shot and disc type for Hole 23? I can never quite get my discs in birdie range, due to the tree positions and dogleg. It did see someone recently put it about 20ft from the basket with a 'very' high spike hyzer...
From the shorts, it's possible, but it has to be a big hyzer. Try something with a little glide to it and hope it gets past the tall tree on the right hand side of the fairway.
I got pretty close today with the elite z Flash, but something more overstable would be better I think.
I birdie it now and then with a Champion Ape and a have with a Nuke. The Ape is a great disc here, but i know people using Forces and similar that do well.
Shane Bates May 13, 2013 at 4:39am
Found a keyring with a keyless entry remote, no keys. If you know who they belong to send me a message
Douglas McIntosh May 6, 2013 at 4:35pm
Tomorrow, Tuesday May 7th at 5:30pm - Willow Metropark - Long tees
Huron Valley PDGA Sanctioned Summer League is heading to Willow this week
anyone can get a rated round for $1
for those that would like to play for cash. we will $5 Pro and $5 am2 divisions.
there will also be an optional $2 ace pool and a $2 cash CTP each week
Steve Nolff April 8, 2013 at 7:23pm
Course was in great shape this weekend. I highly recommend getting out to Willow while dry enough, bug free enough and leaveless enough to really score on this gem of a MetroPark course.
Spring and summer are calling for low rain amounts. Should be pretty good all season. I was also told there are some efforts underway to help stave off the skeeter population if indeed they start to flourish. Willow - love it when it is dry :)
So much for low rain totals. Lol I've seen it worse, but it's spray necessary right now.
Jason Adamski April 1, 2013 at 6:52am
Anyone golfing tomorrow give me a shout.
Mark Perrine April 1, 2013 at 6:01am
Key's anyone find my key's ?
Did you see the post about the keys someone found on here? I think they are still there hanging on the board at the start.
Mike Stratford March 31, 2013 at 3:53am
Found a wasp today... Color an type for return!
Robert Shaffer March 9, 2013 at 7:52am
Is their s league Saturday at noon???
yes ... 10 all in ... 5 to play, 2 ace pool an 3 to 100% pay out ctps
ken "sega salt" moote March 9, 2013 at 12:39am
is it flooded?details please!
John Hornyak February 28, 2013 at 10:49pm
So many doubles scores are posted which should really be seperate from a singles round.Or is it ?
Hopefully the doubles is whats bringing down the average otherwise I need to really work on my game!! Appreciate the info John. Thanks! Take care man
Jesse Whitlock February 7, 2013 at 10:11pm
Heading to Willow, should be there round 1ish...
At Willow, it is best to assume they are armed and prepared to kick your A$$. Bring bug spray and perhaps a bat. Throw well.