Steve Albert July 8, 2014 at 10:01pm
Come play the new league 2nd shift! It's starting July 9 at lakeshore 10am. League will be every Wednesday at 10am switching between Northridge, Cass Benton, and Lakeshore. Check out the league here on discgolfscene for more details.
Tara St. Aubin July 7, 2014 at 6:27am
Lost my Orange R-Pro Boss today, fell out of my bag :( don't know where. Has my name and number on it, reward for its return!
Mike Stratford July 7, 2014 at 1:47am
Left a day glow sidewinder on the corner of hole #7 right side 40 short of the pin. Went back to pick up an was gone. If found reward for return.
yea but i left it today .. same shot just didnt roll over went right down the pipe an sat at the corner. took my partners shot who was just to the left of mine then walked off after the putt an i forgot to grab it.
Greg Maynard July 6, 2014 at 7:42pm
Lost a glow firebird on #23 yesterday on the right side just before the pin... Had to leave it after being stung by hornets 6 times. Name and number on the back, please call if found.
Paul Doherty July 6, 2014 at 1:04am
Found a disc on the left side of 13 today. No name or number, message me if you think its yours.
Joe Willyard June 30, 2014 at 5:14am
Lost an orange excaliber on hole 7 today, number on the back, would love to get it back...definitely cash or plastic reward
Matt Huffman June 14, 2014 at 9:12pm
Lost a red star Avery Jenkins destroyer on hole 23 reward for return
Nate Wheeling June 10, 2014 at 2:44am
Lost a blue with silver flake Quasar on #23 yesterday. Name and number should be on it...reward for its return.
Wade Calvert June 7, 2014 at 4:52am
Found white champ disc says we 177 grams on the back you tell me the Stan I get it back to you it was on 17 left side
Sorry I meant you tell me the stamp and I'll get the disc back to you on the back it says wr not we that was autocorrect
Jacob Quiton May 27, 2014 at 3:49am
My girl lost her starlite valkyrie out here, she said she thinks it was short right on hole 7. Please bring it to me and I'll give you something better. It has a factory second stamp and color is dayglow. Thanks
Eric Dusten May 27, 2014 at 1:38am
Anyone Know how the course is? I'm going Thursday and got a bit of a drive to get there. I don't want to have to bring Scuba Gear. Bugs I can deal with, but how bad are they as of yet also?? Thanks!
It's not too wet for willow the worst spots have trails around it or stick paths to walk over the bugs are starting to come out so bring spray
Scott Martinelli May 5, 2014 at 4:36am
I dropped my laminated night moose score card between holes 2-5. Please let me know if you find it. Otherwise, Marcos, could you print up some more. I would be more than happy to pay $5 for another one. Thanks.
Wade Calvert May 2, 2014 at 4:38pm
The course is still in decent shape as of last night. Hole 8 and 9 are a little wet but the rest are good
William Gilbert April 30, 2014 at 4:19am
The 1-disc Challenge is Tomorrow Wednesday April 30th, registration should start between 4 – 430PM at Hudson mills metro park, we will setup at the pavilion near the activity center.
This event is really designed as a League Kickoff event, and reward for signing up early you get the extra disc aka the 1 disc. You do not have to play in the event to get the package just pay your club dues. $30 gets you a Dry wea ...
Wade Calvert April 24, 2014 at 2:36am
Hey guys I put in a wooden path to the short tee pad on hole 10 I'll put a pic of it up on my profile so you guys can see what I'm talking about
I also filled in the mud spot on the left of 7s fairway and put in a path from 11 to 12
If you ever want to go out there and do work and need a hand please reach out. I will be honest, with a biz, a job, and 3 kids I have a chaotic schedule, so I cant always make it happen. But I will try. My hope is by giving back to my favorite spots I can in turn get some of you guys to come play our course on Belle Isle and be a part of it with us.
Sounds good to me. I never really know when I'm going to be out there either, besides a few hours before leagues on the weekends, it depends on how late I have to work and if the weather is any good
Don Slater April 21, 2014 at 2:15am
How's the course? Swampy or dry? I'd like to know if I have to bring my high waders or not, haha.
Sucks we gotta get all this rain over the next few days. We all know what that entails.
Yeah,Willow was just starting to dry out,now with all this rain,might have to venture out to another course until it drys up again :-( :-( :-(
Even if the park would chip it out in those really bad spots I think most of us would tolerate the rest. Oh well, Willow is just a low course and part of what makes it so awesome is also what makes it so rough in wet times.
Wade Calvert March 14, 2014 at 6:18am
Holes 1-4 and 18-24 are cleared if I get out of work on time I'll finish tomorrow
Sweet. Thanks guys. I wouldn't have been able to get there early tomorrow to finish. I gotta work but I should be out in time for leagues
Wade Calvert February 22, 2014 at 4:24am
I shoveled holes 1-17 I'll be here tomorrow around 10 to salt them and finish shoveling the rest
The ground is frozen but a few of the tpads were underwater I scooped em out good though
Wade Calvert February 15, 2014 at 2:11am
I went and checked the tpads on the way home from work and they are still clear
Chris Pasik February 14, 2014 at 3:18am
Lost an AXIOM ENVY left side of hole 1... Has name and number on back. Call or text if you find it
The one I putted off?