Trevor Hadden November 2, 2015 at 4:34am
Found a disc by the practice basket, describe it if you lost it. I will get it back to you
Nick Oliver October 21, 2015 at 10:44pm
If you plan on playing in the Nightmoose Open make sure you get a badass shirt! 1 day left!
Phill B October 12, 2015 at 12:49am
Friend lost a Neon Yellow NukeSS. Forget which hole exactly. Want to say around 7 or 8? Hooked it way left from the tee. Went over the treetops then straight down. We never found it.
Kyle Vena October 11, 2015 at 3:43am
Buddy lost a worn red flick on 23 no name or number, it was his first ace disc please let me know if found thanks.
Patrick Snay October 5, 2015 at 7:47pm
Found a red-pink colored driver off to the right on 15. Describe it and it's yours
Echo star boss no stamp with the tiniest hole right in the corner of the rim caused by a thorn. Can only see it by holding up to a light
No name on the back. He lost it about two thirds between the short tee and the bridge, maybe 5 - 10 yards to the right of the fairway.
David Pickle September 30, 2015 at 5:40am
Lost a Gstar Wraith Green on 21 didnt hook and lost it in the dark monday. If any one stumbles upon it. No name or number on it. I should probably mark my discs. Doh.
Jason Riberas September 16, 2015 at 9:47pm
Anyone interested in meeting up here tomorrow (17th) and shooting a few rounds? I have to take care of something in the morning but after that I'm free. Looking for a 12-1pm start time.
Possibly earlier than 12-1pm depending on how long I'm doing what I have to take care of in the morning.
Christopher Hoyle September 10, 2015 at 6:08pm
Found a Midrange Disc Labor day at Willow sitting in the brush off hole #4
Tell me type & color and i'll make sure it gets back to ya
no name or # on the disc
Lost an Orange Stalker on 5 or 6 I think it was on Saturday, The tight brushy hole after the hole you gotta throw throught he wall of trees.
I lost a reddish pink crystal buzzz with a cj's stamp. thanks
Chris Shock September 9, 2015 at 3:30am
Well no luck on the Stingray. Bright side is Innova is putting out some amazing DX plastic right now and I'm already seasoning a new 169g purple one.
Neal Bachert September 5, 2015 at 12:47am
So I'm missing some discs that were either stolen or left by me here at Willow. I'm missing a Green Champion 11x Eagle-X, a white 10x KC Pro Eagle-L, Lime Green Destroyer (New/ no-name), a Yellow 2nd Run FD, and an Orange bubbles in Rim Champion Krait.
did u realize they were missing before you left the course? or after u got home?
Chris Shock August 31, 2015 at 3:40pm
I left a old bar stamped white DX Stingray with blue stamp either on hole 24, 1, or 2. Pretty sure right in mid of fairway. I will pay $ and drive out to pick it up if you found it. It will take years to season in a new Stingray. Can't believe I did this. The disc was one of my favs. Hoping someone can help. Thanks.
Douglas McIntosh August 31, 2015 at 12:10pm
Tomorrow, Tuesday September 1st - Willow
Huron Valley PDGA Singles League will be Heading to Willow Metropark for 20 holes long tees (skipping 18-21). $1 will get your round rated. For those that would like to play for cash there will be a $5 Pro and am2 division. There will also be an optional $2 cash CTP and $2 ace pool. ($10 if all in)
Ace Pool is now @ $538
(80% payout if you've played 4 or more rounds, otherwise 60% payout)
Andrew LaCross August 31, 2015 at 6:43am
How are misquote's right now???
Wade Calvert August 29, 2015 at 7:19am
Lost blue Xpress with lumberjack stamp on hole 2 name and number on the back of the disc if found will pay a good reward for its return
Shawn "BACKSTOP" Vena August 22, 2015 at 6:21am
Lost mvp circuit tangent copper color hole 5 left of fairway..
Name and Number on back buy ya a couple beers or pops if found
Jason Josaitis August 22, 2015 at 4:50am
Mosquitos are not bad at all least Friday, the 21st of Aug....
Anyone who plays this course knows this time of year as the rains finally dwindle down the skeets tend to be a 5/10. Still not for the faint of heart, but wayyyyy better than the average.
Jason Josaitis August 22, 2015 at 4:49am
I lost an MVP Photon Volt on hole #8. Light Green...bounced off the tree in the middle of the fairway to the left. I think mu number was on the disc.
Douglas McIntosh August 11, 2015 at 4:24am
Tomorrow, Tuesday August 11th - Willow
Huron Valley PDGA Singles League will be Heading to Willow Metropark for 20 holes (skipping 18-21) long tees. $1 will get your round rated. For those that would like to play for cash there will be a $5 Pro and am2 division. There will also be an optional $2 cash CTP and $2 ace pool. ($10 if all in)
Ace Pool is now @ $474
(80% payout if you've played 4 or more rounds, otherwise 60% payout)
Christian Doman July 26, 2015 at 7:15am
Played the course today, and it was definitely untamed. I covered myself in deet, but it seemed like seasoning to these crazy mosquitos. They were quite agressive, and their black and white striped abdomens were fearsome. A little TLC after peak skeeter season and before the fall tournaments should have it looking good again. I did manage to lose a couple of discs out there also. A purple Opto Fury in the ditch between baskets one and twenty three. Also, a dayglo Sparkle Rogue from '08 ... more
Ryan Wheeler July 24, 2015 at 6:16am
I played this course today. As i pulled in I wondered why there were NO cars in the parking lot. I found out rather quickly that this is obviously where ALL the mosquitoes come from in Michigan. I left a Trilogy Claymore all swirly and dope to the right of the basket on 18 because I didn't have any repellent and they were winning. I managed to shoot a 72 from the am pads with just a Theif and a Macana. Cool course, I'd wait till the fall to play though. Not worth the struggle right now.
Orange Stalker
Sorry. That is not it