
Wilder DGC

Newport, OR · 1 course · 19 holes

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John Wilhoit going to play a tourney blind this August here, and was looking for a more current review. anyone? Jun 23, 2023
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Kyle E Rakoz Jun 23, 2023 I didn't get to play it last time in town but it's been a well used course for some time and the local club is on it!
Kyle E Rakoz Jun 23, 2023 The most notable thing is it has a ton of elevation changes and that is hard for some folks- Hiking while disc golfing. The course itself is like no other.
John Wilhoit Jul 31, 2023 thanks for the feedback guys! stoked to see everyone soon!
Dick Dyer I played 1-4 when I was in Newport. This is the coolest visually speaking course I’ve ever seen. Lord of the rings feeling very beautiful course. May 31, 2019
Stacey "Stace' the Ace" Anything happening here this weekend? Jul 18, 2018
Russ Brown Jul 18, 2018 I'm not aware but always best to check their facebook page cocdgc.
Kyle E Rakoz Basket of Hope tournament this Saturday! May 17, 2016
LeAnn Ahlvers Hoping this is where I can find some help. Planning vacation based on disc golf courses. Looking to find how far it will be from where we are staying... is there an exact address I can put in map quest, or something close by? Mar 27, 2016
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Russ Brown Mar 26, 2016 Se 40th sorry
Kyle E Rakoz Mar 27, 2016 Toledo Red Dog is also on the way in/out depending on where you're coming from.
Bunny Bun Sep 18, 2017 South beach or north beach is almost right across the street if i remember right
Russ Brown Found 2 discs today... but didn't find mine. I lost a white/cream colored KC Roc with a Columbia Rediviva stamp on 10. Wind caught my up shot and just went off the edge about 40ft or so before the basket. It's got my name, phone and pdga number in it. Would like to have it back reward if returned. Jun 26, 2015
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Russ Brown Jun 29, 2015 Sorry, yes there was.... It was only posted on 4discgolf. I was if have gotten a notice to your post I'd replied sooner
Kyle E Rakoz Aug 31, 2015 never hurts to call instant replay sports in newport to see if they have any of them
Russ Brown Sep 5, 2015 My name and number was on it so someone should've called if found.
Kyle E Rakoz 3 days before SharkBite! Thanks to Mr. Burdick, some of the holes are looking much much better! See you all on Saturday! May 14, 2014
Tyler Franklin How is this course lookin these days? Is there lots if underbrush? Poison oak? Does it still eat discs like it did when it was first put in? Is it a mud pit? Stroller friendly? Any info would be appriciated. May 14, 2014
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Mr CLEAN May 14, 2014 my kids love to run through that course... have your lil girl walk it. she will love it... gnarly cool course
Russ Brown May 14, 2014 never been poison oak. mud should be mostly dried up, still tons of underbrush, much cleaner than it used to be though
Kyle E Rakoz May 14, 2014
No poison oak, no nettles, blackberries and holly is minimal. Underbrush is much lessened from last ... show more ›
Kyle E Rakoz anyone play this course? I'm moving to the area and saw the course and a few locals but havn't heard good or bad about it. Aug 15, 2013
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Kyle E Rakoz Sep 3, 2013 Sounds perfect!
Kyle E Rakoz May 14, 2014 I play this course!
Russ Brown May 14, 2014 we playing today around 3
Aaron BakedR I was going to be in Newport for a couple of days and wanted to throw a round at wilder on weds the 27th in afternoon I would like to throw with someone or a group that knows the course if anyone can help me let me know Thanks
Mar 25, 2013
Mr CLEAN who do we have to thank for this course? city? seems like a new sub-division? or club? who did work? anybody know! Jan 28, 2013
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Cameron "Still Cam" ficker Jan 28, 2013 I believe it was a community effort with help from the ford fondation. Nw discgolf has a thread on it.
Kyle E Rakoz Oct 15, 2013 Now we just need to get the local club to start holding events and workparties.
Kyle E Rakoz May 14, 2014 Local Club aquired... putting another park in the ground in the next month or so in Toledo. Longterm plans for Southbeach 18 have been talked about.
Mr CLEAN drive south on 101 over the newport bridge past the aquaruim exit, youll see a huge boat on the HWY turn left and follow street up till you see baskets, first basket youll see is #10 drive further down and youll see hole 1,16,17,18 and practice basket! Jan 28, 2013
I LOVE IT!!! this course is amazing!!! no other forest area like it! FOR ME this park is awesome , yeah it has natural t-pads but in a forest setting like this course is id preffer to not see concrete ... show more ›
Jan 28, 2013
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