Angry "double bogey" Andy October 11, 2011 at 6:57pm
Shut up.
P.S. How's that for communication!!!
Tony Burmeister October 11, 2011 at 5:12am
Would have been nice to have a little notice on the meeting. Did not know until now we were even having a meeting. Is there another means by which this is being communicated?
Tony B.
Brian Mulnix October 10, 2011 at 9:47pm
Reminder, the Whitehall Disc Golf Club will be meeting tonight at the Whitehall Township Hall @ 6:30. Several new initiatives will be discussed and potentially acted on tonight. We will not be doing any food/pot luck this time as we have in the past. Anyone is welcome to attend, and voting club members are strongly encouraged to attend.
Brian Mulnix October 10, 2011 at 9:39pm
The Whitehall Township Disc Golf Course had 2 baskets ripped off recently. We are offering a $$ reward for any information about the theft. Please let us know if you have heard anything, the baskets are Innova Discatcher, and were taken in pieces without the center pole. Anyone with information will remain anonymous. Thanks---Whitehall Disc Golf
Brian Mitch Mitchell September 27, 2011 at 12:49am
Yup at 6
Shaky jake September 27, 2011 at 12:43am
are there dubs running today?
Brian Mulnix September 17, 2011 at 12:16am
yeah, we bought a few extra cages. I will say this, those old baskets from 2003 were way nicer than the new stuff IMO. Chains were louder when you smashed em too.
Scott White September 17, 2011 at 12:03am
I doubt you can buy the individual replacement parts from innova anyways, but I could be wrong. OK good luck..
Brian Mulnix September 16, 2011 at 11:57pm
@ Scott, we had welded the original baskets (that were vandalized in April 2010 and all replaced) and the insurance guy was busting our balls about it because it doesn't allow for individual parts to be replaced, so on the new ones we did not weld them (yet). We are going to weld them after this incident though. Screw the insurance guy.
Scott White September 16, 2011 at 11:39pm
Did they just unbolt it all, or actually break the weld? If there was no weld, there should be! This is the standard recommended practice for theft deterrent to weld the top chain assembly and the basket to the pole. Might want to check the remaining baskets at Whitehall so it doesn't happen again.
Brian Mulnix September 16, 2011 at 4:42pm
So the scumbags that ripped us off only took the cage and the top ring with the chains attached. They tried to loosen the whole unit and take it that way with no success, then they tried to chip the concrete away from the pole (on 4 different baskets) with no success....Without the pole, I expect that they will try to cobble some setup with either a pvc pipe or something similar. Be on the lookout for 2 cobbled up yellow rimmed baskets in a yard where 1-2 weak and/or scrawny little pussies liv ... more
Brian Mulnix September 15, 2011 at 4:43pm
It has been brought to my attention that two (2) baskets have been stolen from the Whitehall Township Disc Golf Course. Please be on the lookout for 2 Innova baskets. There will be a significant reward for information leading to the culprits. It happened sometime between Monday night and Wednesday am. If you saw anything suspicious, let me know. All information received will remain confidential. Thanks- Brian- Whitehall Disc Golf
Brian Mulnix September 14, 2011 at 8:27pm
I am out tonight Tyler, catch up with you maybe this weekend. You are gonna dig the pads...
Tyler Billewicz September 14, 2011 at 8:23pm
anyone feel like playing a round this afternoon? haven't played the new pads yet so i'll be there around 4ish...
Tim Evans September 14, 2011 at 6:32pm
Sunday, Sept. 12 2011 13:22..
Wandy Delong jumped up on 8's new pad and said "Screw Brian..This is MY pad!!! I'm the F***ing Treasurer now but next year another year now isn't it Bitchezz..." He did have steel toed boots on too...
Angry "double bogey" Andy September 13, 2011 at 11:32pm
i think that was sharon on 8, talk to tim, he forced us to throw from there, i was against it.
Brian Mulnix September 12, 2011 at 4:58pm
Deep 9 looks SWEET. All pads are done, and we will break them in this evening with a random draw "No more dancing on the dirt" doubles round.
I can't give enough thanks to those who sacrificed their time on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and especially Saturday. Without your dedication, none of this could be possible.
We got everything done without a single issue, cement rolled in at 8:00 sharp, and we were done pouring by 11:30 (aside from Jimmy the cement truck driver ge ...
Brian Mulnix September 5, 2011 at 4:13am
@ you mean the Deep 9? walk right past the #10 tee pad, to the right there is a path with a sign.
peter kunoff September 4, 2011 at 5:54pm
where are those alternates?......course flow was so easy but failed to see any alts
anybody want a jk pro aviar-x for anything?