A Daniel Stalter May 2019 Great course for a quick technical round. Lots of different shots. Amazing for a 9 hole round! Highly recommended.
B- Ryan Ranes May 2018 Fun course everything is reachable but technical fun course
A- Shawn Swapp Oct 2017 This is a really fun, short course. It is the kind of course that makes me think I could score +5 or -5 for the round. Great use of the foliage and hill side. The A- comes in due to the parking. If you come during the day, watch out for the Weber State Parking Nazi's! They will hut you down!!!
A- Jacob Serio Oct 2017
A course that focuses more on placement rather than distance. Most holes are around 200-250 ft but requires precise throws in order to avoid thick trees and OB. Well maintained. Greens are guarded and ... show more ›