A+ Lincoln Beuster Oct 2022 Course is very fun, and open.
A Brent Warburton May 2021 Wide open and easy for beginners with only one really long hole. Minimal trees to contend with most of the time.
B+ Kevin Kelly Aug 2020 Great course if you have a strong desire to rip it every time you throw. Not much techy skills going on here except maybe the big skip to park it or rolling 500 feet. Could use more threading the needle shots or even Mando’s to make it more challenging.
B+ Ray Yaworski Aug 2018 Trasher baby
B Ryan Denney Jun 2012 Well Maintained course. Always windy or breezy. Very few hazards aside from the occasional large tree. Nice and open, no worries about spending time looking for your disc even if just a beginner
B Zachary Myers Nov 2010 Course got better with new baskets and some new pin placements. Will get more difficult as the trees mature.