Wagner Park
Royal Oak, MI · 1 course · 18 holes

Nice use of space with over half of it under shade with big trees. Great location. Bum sleeping on bench, teenagers hanging hammocks in between tee box and basket, no parking spaces (had to park in do ...
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Another small course near home, that I just hadn't gotten around to playing. A little rough, no good parking and looks like it could get crowded (with non disc golfers hanging out in the park) at ti ...
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My home course, first round 1998. A good place to practice and learn your plastic. Good mix of hole lengths. 9 basket, 18 tee pad, Royal Oak style course. A few crush drives, small elevation change ...
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I played this course for the first time today in the morning.
Very nice location, easy to find and park. In residential area.
Course has variety at each hole
Wide open drives, but still ...
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I talked a lot of shit about this park at first (thought it was too small), but all things considered it's not a bad park. Much better than its cousin park Star JayCee, but not as nice as the local F ...
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Really wanted to like this park. The layout is great if you know where you're going. If you don't have a map handy, or someone in your group that knows the layout, you're screwed. It's very POORLY ...
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This course is awful. Not because the course itself is terrible(it's not) but the "scenery" is. Drunk teenagers, empty 4 Loko cans, and idiots make up the majority of the course. It is the local hang ...
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