C- Daniel Maxson Apr 14 cracked tee's. shared baskets
B+ Max Moross Aug 2023 New baskets in! New/improved tee pads in ! Wagner park gets busy now that the sport is growing, a lot of new players coming out. But not a beginner course at all. I'd recomend raintree in Troy if your just starting out , like I said wagner gets busy. And even more so this year
A- Kary Marz Apr 2020 I play here all the time, for a city course this is one of the best. Some new baskets and garbage cans would make it an A
B Jeff Conroy May 2020 The lack of parking for a public space is a bit annoying. Could use short tpad markers and new baskets. Overall though it’s a nice mix up of different throws both short and long tees with slight elevation changes on some holes.
B- Garett Patria Jul 2019
Nice use of space with over half of it under shade with big trees. Great location. Bum sleeping on bench, teenagers hanging hammocks in between tee box and basket, no parking spaces (had to park in do ... show more ›
B Jeff Doran Sep 2021 Tee pads are too short but they maximized the space for the course. Thought I’d hate it but I’m sure I’ll be back. Better than Clarkston. I’d say it’s like Firefighters Park with only 9 baskets.
B- Jason Grobbel Aug 2018 Grew up loving this park, but sadly the lack of upkeep has made it hard to get out there and play it. In desperate need of new baskets and tee pads. Pads are two short, and uneven ground around them make them dangerous to try and get a good run up.
B- Paul DISC-OR-DIE Holstein May 2018
Another small course near home, that I just hadn't gotten around to playing. A little rough, no good parking and looks like it could get crowded (with non disc golfers hanging out in the park) at ti ... show more ›
B Chad Fraquelli Jul 2022
My home course, first round 1998. A good place to practice and learn your plastic. Good mix of hole lengths. 9 basket, 18 tee pad, Royal Oak style course. A few crush drives, small elevation change ... show more ›
B Brendan Diamond Oct 2017 Nice enough. Sharing baskets with other players on different holes gets annoying.
C Michael Ball Apr 14 Pretty solid park course. Kind of a wonky layout but it works out. They have a nice mix of long and short holes. Baskets are a little rough and the casual traffic is a bit of a downer but all in all pretty fun!
B Skyler Stoker Oct 2016 For it being a city park it is pretty decent. Much more interesting shots than Starr. Baskets are severely outdated though.
B- Tim Sylvain Feb 2016 Better than expected. Tee pads are too small.
B- sherri look Nov 2015 Decent course, fun. It could use some updating with signs for the second tees and better tee pads, but hey, it's free. A nice afternoon can be spent combining Starr and Wagner.
B Jody J Sep 2015 Nice course indeed, even score out of 9 holes long. Not a bad day
C+ Ryan A Apr 14
I played this course for the first time today in the morning. Very nice location, easy to find and park. In residential area. Pros: Course has variety at each hole Wide open drives, but still ... show more ›
B richard bell Oct 2015 Play here all the time. Not the most clean but a pretty nice course all n all. For a 9 basket course it flows and plays excellent. No garbage cans on the course but sometimes a bag on a couple. So if you take it in you better take it out. No restrooms neither.
A Brendan Livingston Mar 2024 With the new basket upgrades, tee pad reinforcement/additions and actual practice basket the course is an A. It's a city park and the history here is incredible. The course has a certain magic to it, and it's nice to see the city recognized that and invested in it.
A Benjamin Diaz Aug 2014 This is my home course. Dirty, interesting characters.. sounds great. Can play it as a 9 or an 18.. just be careful of the leash less dog area.. that occasionally floods.. #snickers #caddyshack
C- Steve Albert Apr 14 Very confused navigating the course. Layout of holes was okay for a park. Baskets were in decent shape and tee pads were way too small for my liking. Also couldn't find parking for the park.
B- Jeff Blohm Aug 2013 many trees blown down from storm a few weeks ago
A- Mike Jones Jun 2013
I talked a lot of shit about this park at first (thought it was too small), but all things considered it's not a bad park. Much better than its cousin park Star JayCee, but not as nice as the local F ... show more ›
B+ timothy bradley Mar 2013 Great layout. If you took the trees and distance at Starr and added the Wagner layout and elevation change. Wow
C Joe casiglia Apr 14 nice course
C Rob Staszek Apr 14
Really wanted to like this park. The layout is great if you know where you're going. If you don't have a map handy, or someone in your group that knows the layout, you're screwed. It's very POORLY ... show more ›
B+ Derek Tzay Sep 2021 good course layout, lot of traffic but all good people. could be more trees and longer tee-pads
B matt kora Jan 2012 course deserves a B for efficient layout in a nice city park. The course back in the day was much more tedious.
A- william brown Jun 2011 as always its a easy flowing course
B+ michael kress Jan 2011 course is fun,nestled nicely within a nice part of town..good hills and valleys to offer some challenges..tee-pads are a bit short
C+ mike Rabin Jan 2011 short teepads and alot of waiting and casuals can be overwhelming at bad times, layout is a challenging pitch n putt course a couples of holes difficult to reach
C James pokornicki Jan 2011 Small course. good for mid ranges. lots of trees.
C+ brian jones Oct 2010 its a nice course but has a lot of younger traffic
B- Louis Caponi WPD Oct 2010 always will be a home town fav, but way too many underagecasuals! only fun in the morning when nobody is there
C+ Jamie Lining Sep 2013 Good Course, too many random people doing nothing, while they are there.. High-school kids smoking and drinking, but not playing.. Too crowded, too many bees and no-where to park.. If I was alone in this park in the fall, I would give it an A+, but that is never the case..
A- Erik Manidok May 2023 Yes, there are drunks, yes, there are all sorts that hang around the benches, they never stop me from playing here. It's a city park, if you don't expect the irritating regulars, you're not going to have a good time.
B- David Tomlinson Aug 2015 Some of the hole signs are missing, and it needs garbage cans and restrooms. It would be nice if the tee pads werewere a little longer.
A+ Course Review & Video Mar 2023 You have to play this course "EARLY" to avoid the jungle trouble! LOL Wagner Park, Safari 18 holes one of the hardest courses on the east side! http://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/SATURDAY_SAFARI_Wagner_Park_2010/leaderboards
D- Andy Bawol Apr 14
This course is awful. Not because the course itself is terrible(it's not) but the "scenery" is. Drunk teenagers, empty 4 Loko cans, and idiots make up the majority of the course. It is the local hang ... show more ›