Vance Park
Gresham, OR · 2 courses · 9 holes
Mini · Reviews

As a disc golf course this is pretty good. I'm only giving it a bad score because it is really disappointing to see how trashed the park is, and you can tell it is mostly from disc golfers. There are ...
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Main · Reviews

Winter series has a 7b behind 8 into the foliage & 10-12 in the field with baskets nested or hanging in the trees.

Pretty short holes. Wish they were longer. I like that if you only have less than an hour to play, it can be accomplished in 35-45 minutes easy. Make sure to lift your feet when you are walking. The t ...
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As a disc golf course this is pretty good. I'm only giving it a bad score because it is really disappointing to see how trashed the park is, and you can tell it is mostly from disc golfers. There are ...
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very short course, that seems to be the park theme.

Vance Park can be a very technical course and is a fun challenge. There are several trees on the fairways with tight routes on several holes with a few open shots. There is a drop off beyond the fence ...
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Pros: Vance park is a very fun course to play, it offers many challenging shots that are friendly to lefties and right handers that throw both back hand and fore arm, allowing a wide arrangement of th ...
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Small park so leave your Katana and Nuke at home, car, ect.... Wonderful place to teach your kids or a newbie or just meet rad discers from AB*DG. Tech course lots of small obsicales that wont become ...
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