4 ratings · B- average


97 ratings · B average


Mini · Reviews

C- Jonathan Mutchler Oct 2014
As a disc golf course this is pretty good. I'm only giving it a bad score because it is really disappointing to see how trashed the park is, and you can tell it is mostly from disc golfers. There are ... show more ›

Main · Reviews

A+ Anthony Quevedo Mar 2022 Back 9 to Rockwood. First 5 holes are very windy due to Mt Hood & the Vance Pit Quarry. 6 & 9 can be influenced by wind if the disc gets high while low shots can go under the wind.

Winter series has a 7b behind 8 into the foliage & 10-12 in the field with baskets nested or hanging in the trees.
B+ JOE A Oct 2020 Fun 9 hole course just down the street from the Rockwood 9 hole course. Parking at the church or on the street. Usually pretty busy but mostly small groups of 5 or less.
C Jack M. Sep 2017
Pretty short holes. Wish they were longer. I like that if you only have less than an hour to play, it can be accomplished in 35-45 minutes easy. Make sure to lift your feet when you are walking. The t ... show more ›
C- Dan Beegle Apr 2014 ghetto course... bringin my pistol next time.,
C- Jeff Levell Jan 2014 Lot of design flaws. Throwing across walking sidewalks.
C- Jonathan Mutchler Oct 2014
As a disc golf course this is pretty good. I'm only giving it a bad score because it is really disappointing to see how trashed the park is, and you can tell it is mostly from disc golfers. There are ... show more ›
B Dustin J May 2013 I like the course for the fact i can work on my mid range as well as putting! I like it a little better than rockwood but i still find both courses to be more on the easy side.
C- Jimmy Moore Sep 2019 Very short course that can be played in about 40 minutes. Not much for etiquette in this area and some parts of the park are quite sketchy. The park is frequented by the police for this reason.
A+ miguel venegas Nov 2012 My best game there I ever had. Down 10
B Greg Levine Oct 2012 I love this course and it never bores me. Although I will say that since the public works has whacked away all of the tree cover on the fence lines, the elements can make for a tough day. If the wind is whipping out of the Gorge, you're hosed.
A- Sean Chapman Jun 2012 Real fun course and a lot of ace's to be had. It reminds me of a smaller Pier Park. The only problem that I can see with this course is that there are no tee signs but the tee pads are close enough together, its hard to get lost. I would play there a lot more if I did'nt live so far away.
B- steve i May 2012 good fast course
B Grant larson Apr 2012 very fun course to play a quick round, easy for the new player to reach the baskets and work on your short game
C Dog Bone Mar 2012 Course plays a little small....every hole feels like an ace try. posted 2 aces in the first 2 games ever on this course.....perhaps a little too easy.
A- Stephanie Scates Jan 2012 i love this parks set up, one of my fav home courses
B- Jared Kastleman Dec 2011 Cool little course with small elevation changes and good tree locations. Plays kind of like a mini Pier park. Nothing dramatic, just 9 good holes on the smaller side of things.
C+ Josh Marcella Oct 2011 Good course to pick up some ace's on. This place could use some more signage for sure. Gotta watch out for some of the locals too, some are kinda sketchy. Parking is also limited.
A- Jah Red Oct 2011 my home course>> Trees block out most of the rain...Short Course, play it 2x
A- kellen sykora Jun 2011 first course i played in portland. i like it.
B- Andy Haskell Jun 2011 fairly open course, some holes have a bunch of trees.
very short course, that seems to be the park theme.
A hippie nick May 2011 fun course is great for working on up shots
C- Samantha de la Vega Mar 2011 I like it that it's close to my house and accessible. Not usually full of people, and dogs are allowed off-leash. Great place to practice throwing.
A- Nick Wesley May 2011 Very fun except when you hit trees!!The best 9 hole course Ive played.every hole is aceable and they are no longer than 300 feet.
B- Dru Stylez Apr 2011 I liked it! Not to bad for a 9 hole course, some tree shots that remind me of Pier. The tee's are good, no sign's though or hole #'s. Ohh, Watch out for the Cops!
B Chris Faudree Feb 2011 Great way to turn Rockwood into an 18 hole course. Vance is about the same length as Rockwood but offers a slightly more technical course but with even higher wind potential.
B Chadwick - Acerbinky Dec 2010
Vance Park can be a very technical course and is a fun challenge. There are several trees on the fairways with tight routes on several holes with a few open shots. There is a drop off beyond the fence ... show more ›
B+ Thomas "T" D. Nov 2010 One of my favorite "short courses". Great mid-range and putter course. Foot traffic and "locals" can be obstacles but all and all, a fun course.
A Mateo of Hylton Baskets Oct 2010
Pros: Vance park is a very fun course to play, it offers many challenging shots that are friendly to lefties and right handers that throw both back hand and fore arm, allowing a wide arrangement of th ... show more ›
B+ Kyle E Rakoz Oct 2010 Beware the quarry but otherwise fun! Could use a couple of changes to make this a really nice course. Without the playground there could be at least 3 more holes (or take out the "skating rink").
B Josiah C.O.T.F.C. Sep 2010
Small park so leave your Katana and Nuke at home, car, ect.... Wonderful place to teach your kids or a newbie or just meet rad discers from AB*DG. Tech course lots of small obsicales that wont become ... show more ›
B- Andy Verhoeven Sep 2010 took out some of the best holes