B- Rick Kravitz Dec 2021
I played back in August of 2021 with my 2 dogs. A little tricky back by the roped off holes and Hole 13 was modified due to construction, 16 & 17 were covered by a new athletic field and 18 had no ba ... show more ›
B+ Kyle S Feb 2020
Really solid course just minutes from I-5. Plays as a par 58, has some par 4's that are true 2 shot holes. Mostly flat but plays through a nice pine forest. Requires you to play your full game, lots o ... show more ›
F- Matthew K May 23
This course is terrible period. I'm a firm believer that if there isn't an island or a river or a lake don't play make pretend and put one in with a bunch of retaining blocks and roped off areas that ... show more ›
A- Adin Nelson May 23 Pretty nice layout, forhand friendly. Navigation a little tricky. Start behind baseball area and weave around park. Some fun holes, 7-9 all kinda unique and cool tho not sure what was up with the cage on 10... I like the ob lines- nice touch. Def play again if down this way
A Corey F May 23 A nice great course. I was blessed with 70-degree clear weather. The trees are a challenge here. The highlight for when I played this course was I nailed a 95ft putt.
This is a great course and I will be coming back!
B- Brody Cannon Sep 2012 Pretty fun course until the last several holes.
B Chris Morey Dec 2011
This course has teepads, baskets and signs, so right away that boosts it from a C to a B. The course itself is fun, but the holes are very similar. Mostly flat, and the baskets are mostly directly a ... show more ›
C+ kyle b Jul 2011 Fairly flat with beaucoup OB shots to make fairly straight forward shots trickey. Layout was fairly intuitive once you found the 1st tee box with the exception of 15.
A SONNY MILLER May 23 just a beauty