University of Central Florida

Orlando, Florida     2 courses · 27 holes     Driving directions
5 following Course discussion
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Eric Fisher    August 7, 2010 at 12:22am

We are seeking "action shots" to promote our course. Please if you have any pictures you're willing to share get in touch so I can pass them on to our contact at UCF Intramural sports.


Eric Fisher    July 26, 2010 at 9:37pm

So it appears that the best recorded score for this course before it was replaced goes to Cameron White at Par +2. Had me by one stroke as my best was +3. Now it's a 9 hole course, may the race begin.


Eric Fisher    July 22, 2010 at 10:42pm

This course is now only a 9 hole course, the 18 hole course was removed due to it's unpopularity of it's "Sea of palm" New course isn't as challenging, but has a much loser risk at losing discs.

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