Dion Smith Jr Dec 2017
Rating based on courses better. Alot of rub. Cheesy lines. Very overrated. Was disappointed
Duke Nelson Sep 2015
Great use of space! Hazards and mandos...signs are self explanatory. Love this course... groomed well.....only drawback is the rubber tees. When wet....slippery... a must Olay course!
jimmy n Jul 2015
it's the best in the tri cities. always well maintained and clean. signs are self explanitory and the tee's are rubber sheets.
Matt Kasey Jan 2014
This course is one of my favorites. The river keeps you honest and thier is always a chance of wind. Just about every hole is go big or go home. But it is a very well rounded course with a Great location.
Matt winter Apr 2012
Good course! Some easy some hard but a chance to lose discs on the hard holes! Big tee box and good signs!
Adam D. Mar 2012
Nicely Maintained. Ruber pads (eh), Signs and garbage cans at every tee. A couple of Alt Tees for longer drives. Lots of line options from most of the tees. An awesome 18 if the wind is down.
Dru Stylez Apr 2012
Well Maintained Course, Reminds me of Trojan. Great Sign's, Tee's, and Baskets! Garbage cans everywhere! CLEAN! WIND can be a Factor Here Jim! The Course has there own Score Cards (Real Nice), but the Par Total doesn't match up with the Scene's.
George Bodiroga Jan 2011
Very well kept park. The water keeps it interesting on a few holes.