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Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Paavo Stubstad 54 - Regular tees, 18 holes "The Mountain Mayhem - Round 3. Hole 11 was in it's par 5 placement and hole 17 was in one of it's par 4 placements for this round, so my actual score was -4."Sunday, July 10, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 58 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Hole 11 was par 5, Hole 17 was par 4. Actual score was even."Sunday, June 5, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 57 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/Am - Round 3. Course par was 57. Hole 11 was par 5, hole 17 was par 4, and hole 18 was par 5 (playing to the practice basket placement - a tournament-only position). Real score was -2."Saturday, June 4, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 60 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/Am - Round 2. Course par was 60. Holes 11 and 16 were par 5, holes 17 and 18 were par 4. Real score was Even."Friday, June 3, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 54 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/Am - Round 1. Course par was 58. Hole 11 was par 5, and holes 17 and 18 were par 4. Real score was -4. My new personal best at Turtle Rock!"Thursday, June 2, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 59 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Warm up round before the Turtle Rock Pro/Am. Course par was 58. Hole 11 was par 5, and holes 17 and 18 were par 4. Real score was +1."Monday, May 30, 2016
Paavo Stubstad 59 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Hole 11 was par 5, hole 17 was par 4. Real score was +1."Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Monday, March 28, 2016
Friday, May 1, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Paavo Stubstad 62 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Course par was 60. Actual score was +2. Holes 11 and 16 were in par-5 positions; 17 and 18 were par 4."+7
Paavo Stubstad 62 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Course par was 60. Actual score was +2. Holes 11 and 16 were in par-5 positions; 17 and 18 were par 4."Sunday, June 1, 2014
Paavo Stubstad 61 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/AM Sierra Tahoe Series #2 - Round 3. Holes 11 was in it's par 5 position, holes 14 and 17 were in par 4 positions, and hole 18 was in a par 5 position, and I parred both temp holes, so my actual score was only +1!"Saturday, May 31, 2014
Paavo Stubstad 62 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/AM Sierra Tahoe Series #2 - Round 1. Hole 11 was in it's par 5 position and hole 17 was in a par 4 position for this round, and I parred both temp holes, so my actual score was +4."+7
Paavo Stubstad 62 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Turtle Rock Pro/AM Sierra Tahoe Series #2 - Round 2. Hole 11 was in it's par 5 position and hole 17 was in a par 4 position for this round. But this time I birdied one of the temp holes and parred the other, so my actual score was +3."Saturday, May 24, 2014
Paavo Stubstad 61 - Regular tees, 18 holes "Hole 11 was a par 5 and Hole 17 was a 4. Real score was +3."Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Paavo Stubstad 61 - Regular tees, 18 holes "I was at -4 at one point! Then my round kinda fell apart... but still ended up at a decent score for my standards. Hole 11 was in a par 5 position, but 12 and 13 were not... I just sucked."