Forest Valley DGC

Triangle, Virginia     1 course · 18 holes     Driving directions

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Established 2022
Designed by John Biscoe
Pay to play
$10/round or $20/all day. Players must check in with the clubhouse before beginning their rounds. No outside alcohol. Violators risk being banned from the property.

While the course beats in, apply permethrin to clothes and disc golf bags to repel ticks and use picaridin or DEET on skin from April to September.
$10/round or $20/all day. Players must check in with the clubhouse before beginning their rounds. No outside alcohol. ... more

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Course records

Blue tees to blue baskets, 18 holes
  05.09.23   55 (-3) by Doug Marinovich
Blue tees to yellow baskets, 18 holes
Gold tees to blue baskets, 18 holes
Gold tees to yellow baskets, 18 holes
White tees to blue baskets, 18 holes
  08.17.24   49 (-7) by Matt Hammersten
White tees to yellow baskets, 18 holes
  06.10.23   58 (-4) by Matt Hammersten

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