B+ Daniel Leggat Sep 2021 Course is really fun with lots of tight wooded lines. Older baskets and no tee pads on lots of holes, and some tee pads are very slippery.
C- Conrad Norwood Feb 2018 Let's be gentle, the course has personality. Be ready for the tee pads, 2 concrete and the rest either dirt or parts of the rugs. The layout is fun, get ready for some tree love or evil tree monkeys. you will find the trees, on some holes, there are no good options.
B CLAYTON FULFORD Dec 2016 Very technical course. A wide range of shot selection will be utilized throughout the course. Don't sleep on any hole or pay the penalty.
A Bert Northcutt Dec 2016 Perfectly cleaned up Monty, with grass cut, etc, I rate at 5 stars
B Ted Chancey Jul 2014
Tough, but FAIR course. I had the pleasure of meeting (and playing with) Luke, the "keeper" of the Monty. Nice cool signs on every hole. Go carefully with the tee shots or be ready to go looking fo ... show more ›
C+ Brad Brundage Jun 2014 A little too tight and too many holes that are similar to each other. Not a great course.
B Big Truck Apr 2014 A good course, plenty of tight throws, good flow, and no litter, nice job Luke. It could use more signage, but other players very helpful and friendly
A Stephen Brown Nov 2013 This is really a great course, very fair.Has change a lot over the years.If you think that this course sux, then play it again.It will change your opinion of this course and make you wish this was your home course.
B+ Tony Thomas Apr 2013 This course has my number. Flyin' through the pines leaves me scratching my head. Always a fun time though, Luke has done a great job out there.
F Joe B Nov 2022 What a disappointment!! Several baskets missing. One hole you have to throw at a tree, really?! Hodge podge of mix matched baskets. Ankle breaking stumps all over the course. Tee pads need major work. This course is not playable as is, it needs alot alot alot of work!
A- sausage panther Sep 2010 We still have more work to do, Luke.
A Luke McFarland Apr 2012
Course currently needs work--and that's what's happening to it. Bad reviews below? Screw those reviews, they're way biased and gave unfair reviews, didn't criticize what really needs criticizing, whic ... show more ›