Course reviews
+0 votes Matt Newton › August 1, 2017
This was fun course. Love that it has a Juniors 9 out there as well, I think more towns should do that. Interesting course layout. Holes 6-9 really hit it off with me, was love at first flight. Fun enough course, would paly again.
+0 votes Ron Smith › July 5, 2016
Didn't find this course to be very difficult but I was playing pretty well for me this day. 16 I played from a teepad about 600 feet from the hole uphill so shoulda been a par 4 imo. I really liked this course other than the front 9 having too many similar looking holes. Lots of elevation change tho and good tee pads (concrete)
+0 votes Benjamin "Lunchbox" Langley › July 15, 2017
Challenging course and a wonderful community....will always take the trip down for a tournament