Fred Vocino September 7, 2013 at 5:05am
What are my chances to play casual on this course on Sunday 9/8 about 6pm? That is...will the ball golfers be discgolfers tend to play that day and time?
Darren Harper September 7, 2013 at 2:03am
Lost surge ss orange beat up has #9666 and I think my ph#248-765-0910. Left in a cart I think or on course reward if returned. Thanks. Let Japanese guts player use it now gone.
Neil Duffey July 5, 2013 at 10:39am
win a free brand new esp avenger!!! check out dcd for more info!
John Minicuci May 10, 2013 at 9:12am
Please be aware that image is everything. Vulgar, drug oriented, and sexual innuendo tee shirts are not acceptable golf course attire. You do not have to be in a 3 piece suit or a collared shirt but please be conscious of your attire. Thank you!
So I can't wear my lucky "Shit Happens When You Party Naked" shirt out there?
justin lohr May 6, 2013 at 9:00pm
Lost a couple wraiths here believe hole 7 and 18 right behind the basket in that little pool of muddy water! Plz return if found thanks
Jeff Bauman May 6, 2013 at 1:30am
Thinking about playing a round here tonight when they let us on around 7. HMU if u wanna join.
John Minicuci April 29, 2013 at 8:31am
OK everyone, I know this is going to be repeated many times after today but until everyone is aware of the change, we may as well let the discussion begin. After the Sunnybrook Spring Fling was over we relocated basket #9 to the west side of the creek bed on fairway #18. What does this mean? Basket #18 is the new location for Hole #9. We moved the flags for tee box #18 south along the fence to make a new fairway for hole #18. In the fall we will construct a higher hill and mount basket #18 in th ... more
If I have a look, I'll try. I've eagle almost every hold that is possible at least once. I'll add one more lol
Jay B April 26, 2013 at 5:22pm
Thanks for sorting that out john, i know al wants to protect his course lol hopefully everyone can stay on the same page in the future now...did make it out there at 6 teed off at 615 walked it and were done by star xcal stamp worn off in the water on 4 dropped in a couple feet short of the other side, just picked the disc up havent had a chance to get my name and # on it
Amen. Thanks, John. We were able to play 18 before it got too dark, and only a few groups of ball golfers were out there.
Steve Nolff April 25, 2013 at 6:26pm
What just happened to the post here bringing to light possible concerns with the playing availability of this course?
Not to beat a dead horse Steve but the ball golfers had a very good point about the disc golfers being in their way. They were absolutely correct. The disc golfers were also doing nothing wrong but playing the course the way we designed it. I think if they would have known, from my history, disc gol ... more
I think the challenges of this pretty unique setup will continue to force changes to the disc golf portion. When we played, things went pretty smooth, there were a lot of ball golfers, but not packed. The other couple ball/disc courses I have played, followed the ball course fairway much more clo ... more
I'm heading out today (wednesday) to do some fishing. If you wanna post to my wall, here, or send me a text about a lost disc, AND WHERE, go ahead and get at me. And The course is great, I think we as DGs just have to be a little brother for a bit. I don't like the idea, bc I love my sport ... more
Steve Nolff April 1, 2013 at 10:47pm
Got out to try this course last weekend. Big course, needs some attention. Really disappointed with the help at this course. They were really clueless about disc golf, ball golf for that matter. Maybe it was just very early in the season. A bunch of ball golfers, we were the only disc golfers on the course. Rented a cart, cost of 20 each for greens fee and a cart. I live a long way from here. Maybe 18 bike type orange pennet flags at each tee would help. A good map and some sort of tee ... more
Both John and Brandon are right. Many of the golfers out there are curious of our game and respect when we are playing. But some have not, I was out there recently last week and a couple of golfer wouldn't get out of my line of my shot a couple of time, so I would have to wait for them which ... more
Thanks for the feedback guys. I do not want to leave the impression that I found the experience bad in any way. I was just relaying my experience. I did a ton of positive PR while both on the course and in the establishment. Including some chances to let ball golfers toss a couple discs. Really ... more
by all means give me a shout if you know a couple days in advance...i"ll gladly throw with ya
Steve Nolff March 25, 2013 at 10:43pm
Brandon's response below indicates the course is open to play. Carts questionable. Is this true. We might try to drive out to play this weekend if it is open. If so, is the clubhouse open and is it pay to play now? Thanks for any input.
You guys rock, thanks for the info. No problem with the respect, I am just happy to be able to air my arm out and try some of this sweet new Lat64/Westside/DD plastic I picked up as a mystery box. Don't really care about the cart, but might try just for the kick of it.
I'd recommend the cart, makes it more fun. And I think you mispelled roc
Joshua Ballinger March 14, 2013 at 4:21pm
is this course open to play with carts?
carts will be determined by the establishment. if its too soggy then no. but walking it isn't that bad. takes the same amount of time to play stony all 27. there's a coupl long walks but its also $20 cheaper. best bet is to call and see what they think.
Steve Nolff January 5, 2013 at 12:35am
I always get confused with the hang up on par. Just stroke count and there is no hang up. I can't buy into the idea that par 3's reinforces bad golf Nick. You should concentrate and make the best throw everytime, not just with a mythical par or birdie on the line. Anyway, look forward to getting out an throwing this course.
Nick Pacific December 18, 2012 at 7:13pm
I have to say I dig how Sunnybrook is correctly scored here on the scene as an 18 hole par 72. Calling everything a par 3 is not only wrong, it actually reinforces bad disc golf (in that it doesn't teach newer players to learn to play the fairway on long par 4 holes and go for the birdie, which is a 3).
You guys were able to do that here because you started it right from the get go. Hard to do that with other courses here because some people get whiny. That's too bad.
Jason Riberas December 11, 2012 at 2:39pm
Lost a orange Ti stalker in the creek on hole 5 last week, name and number is on the disc
Chadd Scruggs December 4, 2012 at 6:00am
haha thanks
Jeff Bauman December 4, 2012 at 5:55am
The course is now open. The disc and ball golfers can play at the same time. just go into the pro shop and thell them your there to play disc golf. Get the map for sure. Enjoy!
Chadd Scruggs December 4, 2012 at 5:42am
so when is this course open to play? is there like time slots for disc golfers? and do you just go and pay in the clubhouse? cause i was thinkin about trying to head up there sometime soon...
John Minicuci November 29, 2012 at 5:23am
Short tees on some holes have fly pads and some do not.
Brad, I will get right back with you...
You should be fine Fred. If you call the clubhouse as for Al just to be sure but at 6 pm you should be fine...
Thanks. You're the one who knows..I'm sure.