Dave Ernst May 3, 2018 at 1:59pm
Portage Lakes Doubles moves to 6pm tonight. Weather looks like it will miss us. Hope to see ya there.
Alex Colucci April 23, 2018 at 1:10pm
its warm, come throw in the woods at league tonight. tee off between 5:45 and 6: https://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/Monday_Madness_at_Sunny_Lake_2018
Alex Colucci April 16, 2018 at 1:53pm
League tonight, 545 pm, $5 to play, $1 ace fund. Everyone is welcome!
Alex Colucci April 4, 2018 at 3:15pm
Monday Madness league at Sunny Lake: A and B pool singles, starts at 5:45pm on Monday, April 9. More details here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/Monday_Madness_at_Sunny_Lake_2018
Alex Colucci March 30, 2018 at 4:49pm
BYOP Doubles Fundraiser July 1 at Sunny Lake Park. $30 per team, $15 to payouts. Lunch provided. More details and to sign up here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/Sunny_Lake_BYOP_Doubles_Fundraiser_2018
Alex Colucci February 1, 2018 at 3:56pm
We've got a winter league starting up at Sunny Lake DGC in Aurora, this Saturday, February 3. Come join us, more info here: https://www.discgolfscene.com/leagues/Saturday_Winter_League_2018
Bill Flynn November 14, 2017 at 4:26pm
Lost mvp tripod chair at course 11/11. Has red tape on legs. Would love to get it back. Thanks. BILL
I lost 2 pink 150 sidewinders in the drink and too would love to get them back
Andrew Bruck October 4, 2017 at 1:31pm
Sunny Lake will be having a doubles tournament on November 11th following the NEODGA annual meeting. Sunny Lake will be starting a club to keep up with course maintenance, host tournaments, and run weekly leagues. I would like to use this tournament to get people to the course to see its potential and to get suggestions as to what people want to see done at the course. Sign up soon and spread the word!
Andrew Bruck March 31, 2017 at 12:47pm
Does anyone have a map or anything that shows the short course? I've been looking at the full 18 map which is easy to follow for the blue and golds, but anything short is kind of confusing.
Andrew, if you send me your email I can send you the map in a PDF file. '[email redacted]'
Adam, I was thinking about going this weekend if I got a free moment. I'll let you know. Bill I'll email you.
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi March 11, 2017 at 4:16am
Registration is now open for the 2017 MVP Circuit Challenge at Young's Run DGC. $30 for 3 discs plus additional swag. There will be 2 rounds of play. One from long tees and one from shorts. There will be a break for lunch after 1st round has been completed. Prizes will be awarded per round for each level of play as well as grand prize overall lowest score. Total prizes available tbd based on turnout. The first 25 players who register on or before May 1st will be entered into a bonus CTP wit ... more
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi February 11, 2017 at 3:47am
Registration is now open for the 2017 MVP Circuit Challenge at Young's Run DGC. $30 for 3 discs plus additional swag. There will be 2 rounds of play. One from long tees and one from shorts. There will be a break for lunch after 1st round has been completed. Prizes will be awarded per round for each level of play as well as grand prize overall lowest score. Total prizes available tbd based on turnout. The first 25 players who register on or before May 1st will be entered into a bonus CTP wit ... more
Bill Griffith September 7, 2016 at 12:19am
This course has all of the physical requirements to be a great course, but it will never be until there is a club that runs events and helps out the park. The park dept. can only do so much. They are not in the business of running events. With Punderson, Hudson and Kent courses only 20 minutes away, there are plenty of disc golfers in the area and an opportunity to create a disc golf mecca in the area. Look at what the Hall of Chains did this year with the Canton and Massillon course with well o ... more
I live 2 miles away from this course and am interested. I have no expererience in running an org. but am good at building and clearing and am more than willing to help. What can I do to help?
every coure needs someone to look after it. The parks don't typically pay attension to the course in the remote areas that they don't see from the public areas. The gold course back holes need branches picked up . you can play and clear branches tht you walk by. Hole 5 needs the fairway we ... more
who at the park should I contact on weed whipping? I don't think they would like a stranger to come and start cutting things down. I can deff. pick up sticks and clear the fairways as I play.
Adam Miller August 27, 2016 at 4:03pm
Played the white tees yesterday. This course is turning into a great course! Only issues (beyond new course issues) hole 7's basket is missing and hole 14 needs weedwacked (or i need a better shot off the tee). Keep up the great work, this will be a premier course!
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi August 27, 2016 at 3:17am
Registration will soon be closing for the Warren 2016 MVP Circuit (9/25/16). Players pack includes 3 discs and additional swag from MVP Disc Sports for $30 entry. There will be 2 rounds of singles play as well as mini games for additional prizes. Will have men's, women's, and juniors divisions. More players will mean bigger prize pools. With enough registered players the grand prize will include an MVP Black Hole Pro basket. Additional MVP apparel will be available to purchase during r ... more
Greg Garrett June 7, 2016 at 9:26pm
NORTHEAST OHIO OPEN at youngs run dgc. June 25th. Less than 3 weeks away. Rob Dawg truck will have breakfast, coffee., and lunch again this year. The date was switched this year in hopes of better weather. Come on out and have some fun with us. https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/N_E_O_OPEN_2016
We are having a glow throw (BOGEY NIGHTS) the same night. Blair Keller does a great job lighting up the place. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1727213287535041/
Jim patrick May 30, 2016 at 7:41pm
I love this course, only bad part is the grooming. A couple of the holes are unplayable due to high grass. Other then that it's my favorite course around
Nick Bacon April 17, 2016 at 3:08am
Lost a black pair of lg wireless headphones on either hole 12 or 18 last night. If anyone finds them please let me know. I could offer a reward if still in working order.
Jim Kraus March 25, 2016 at 4:54am
Tee signs have been placed on the course. Course map and scorecard are available online at http://www.auroraoh.com/748/Disc-Golf-Course. Will have map and scorecard at park in April. Hope to see you all at the Grand Opening Event on Sunday, May 22!
Adam Miller March 15, 2016 at 9:47pm
uploaded pics of map and pars under hole 1. ~cheers
Gary Reed March 14, 2016 at 6:11am
Played the course this weekend, I gotta sat this may be a great course some day, but probably not for years. We played after three days of rain so I guess the fact that we were walking in a foot of mud the whole day, is our own fault. the course needs much more clearing every where, needs mulch or gravel on the walk ways for sure, and a bunch of signs showing where the next holes are. it would also be very nice if there were map pics of the hole, where the basket is, at the tees,. I am not tryin ... more
Its a brand new course. Of course theres work to be done. Rating it an F is a little harsh considering the place hasnt even officially opened yet. A course like this takes a lot of work and time.
Yes, the designer emailed me letting me know it was not finished yet. I was not aware of that. I think this could be a great place once they do get the rest of the work done.
I’m there as long as the rain/snow holds off