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Chad Baird February 14, 2023 at 8:45pm
So how many holes have water hazards to contend with on the course? I’m going to be playing and I’m trying to figure out what types of extra discs I may need to bring. Thanks
Shane Murphy October 5, 2022 at 12:09am
I lost a pink star roc 3 on hole 17 in the river while I was there sunday for my daughter's travel softball tournament. Reward if found and returned
Jim Fries June 21, 2021 at 1:07am
Whats the plan for hole 10? I think its hole ten, were the construction is going on
The hole was pulled for the erosion wall project which will take until about the 4th of July. The hole will go back in afterwards. For the tournament we will have a temporary version of hole 9 on the far side of the construction area. It will play similarly to the normal hole 9.
Josh Russell March 30, 2021 at 11:15pm
Attn disc golfers. After months of hard work, Taymouth Twp. Park in Burt (west birch run) has got a huge makeover and is now ready to play. This course now boasts 18 holes with longs and shorts. Teepads are spiked down, extra large, 4 X 10 wall carpet. This stuff is awesome! Freshly painted chainstar baskets. A great mix of holes with 6 out in the park and 12 in the woods. This course now has a landscaped and elevated basket with death putt. 4 single mando's for safety and fun. Several wate ... more
Matthew Grubb March 17, 2021 at 11:53pm
Lost a kotuku in the river on hole 17 it's green with metal flake would like to get it back
We've got a tag round Saturday and a tournament there Sunday. So I'll be down there a bunch, and if it's visible I'll try to get it.
Anthony Stanley August 10, 2020 at 2:53pm
Lost a "blurple" 2016 circuit stamp plasma photon in the tall grass to the right on hole 11, I'm sure it didn't make it to the water. No name or number on it, so keep it if you want it.
Jim Jean May 26, 2020 at 6:29pm
Lost a yellow tournament stamped Buzzz in the river on 9 yesterday. Probably a lost cause with the way the river was moving but reward for its return. Name and number are on it.
Kevin Jenks October 13, 2019 at 6:28pm
Threw a glow wraith in the water on 9. Has my number on it and wouldn't mind it back but it's closer to the other side and you deserve it if you find it.
When it gets to this time of year, we don't get many discs back. But when the spring and summer hit, we have a lot of guys who go swimming for discs at the common lost disc holes. If it pops up, we'll let ya know.
Craig Compton June 8, 2019 at 11:34pm
My partner and I lost a few in the river out there today. Really would appreciate it if they were found/returned. Thanks!
Pinkish McBuzzz deep of the basket on hole 5 (86782 on the bottom)
Green Kong left side of 6 in the river (name and number on the bottom)
Yellow Hornet right of the basket on hole 16. Either in the tall stuff or in the water (name and number on bottom)
Yellow Zone left of the basket on hole 9 in the river (name and number on the bottom)
I’ve been looking for these when I go to the park, but no luck. I think the water was pretty high and moving fast when you had discs go in, so they may be buried under a lot of silt now. I’ve been through the weeds on 16 a bunch, but not seeing anything.
Thanks Mike! The hornet on 16 was found. Sorry! The other two still have not been found to my knowledge. really appreciate you checking for us!
Joe C April 19, 2018 at 3:48pm
New baskets have been placed along river on bike path for back 9 holes. Finally all 18 baskets up!
Are you sure you posted this in the correct course? I just walked the entire park and all of the same baskets that have been there for years are still in place.
Mike Schiller July 19, 2017 at 9:06pm
Found a disc on hole 9 today. Name it to claim it.
Mike Schiller June 10, 2017 at 1:52pm
Leagues have been moved to 11 am on Sundays.
Mike Schiller April 23, 2017 at 1:43pm
Sunday leagues start today @1 and be Sundays at 1 throughout the summer. Come on out!
Most of the course follows along the river which winds around the park. So, holes 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, to a quite small degree 13, very small chance on 14, 16, and 17 have a chance of water coming into play.