C- Andrew Stastny Jan 2023
My rating would be higher but the tee signs are at the front left side of the tee pad. I'm a left backhand player, and I have smoked my hand more than once. Its a decent course overall leading to begi ... show more ›
C jeff Balthazore Jan 2023
Again Matt is in the game same the hardest part of this course is finding the next tee take a pic of map on 1 from 4 to 5 is across the field then the road then from 8 to 9 you have to walk around the ... show more ›
C Matt Faulkner Jan 2023 Nice park. Friendly community. Disc golf course is an unchallenging 9 holes. Holes are wide-open, no obstacles. Good for a warm up or practice. Woodland Park is 20 minutes away in Collinsville, great course.