Very wooded course. 2 or 3 holes you can use your driver on, others play technical. Very fun and great for all levels. Use Udisc for basket position as there is no signage. Watch for poison oak.
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Very wooded course. 2 or 3 holes you can use your driver on, others play technical. Very fun and great for all levels. Use Udisc for basket position as there is no signage. Watch for poison oak.
The course was heavily overgrown at the time of conception and has come a long way in the past 5 years. There is still poison oak throughout the course so be careful. We are actively working to eradicate it as much as we can with the given time we all can all dedicate to the course.
If you are able to help out with mowing, weed eating, or spraying please contact the UFOS at [email redacted].
Washing within 4hrs after exposure to poison oak with dawn dishwashing detergent will greatly reduce your risk of acquiring poison oak. Baby wipes are also a great combatant of the oils.
Please do not perform any course maintenance without reaching out to the UFOS first.
***Absolutely no cutting or lopping of trees without review and permission from the UFOS. We are under contract with the city of Santa Rosa and have to adhere to strict guidelines put in place from our Adopt a Green Space agreement. Negligent actions could put the course at risk of being removed from the area.
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