I played this course when it had only about half of it's teepads installed, no tee signs, and some baskets with the wrong hole numbers on them, but I get the feeling that a strong disc golf club is be ...
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I played this course when it had only about half of it's teepads installed, no tee signs, and some baskets with the wrong hole numbers on them, but I get the feeling that a strong disc golf club is behind this course and that it will be a solid B+ or A- course sometime soon. There are very few holes here that I used my big drivers on, (2, I think), because the course is very wooded and it is mostly impossible to get an ace on any of them. There, also, is some poison oak here so be careful. When we played, there were several helpful locals playing who helped us find our way around the course, (because it is difficult to find the next hole sometimes without help)...