Rolling Hills County Park
Ypsilanti, MI · 3 courses · 54 holes
Rolling Hills · Reviews

been playing here forever, amazing course, really teaches you how to throw straight and has nice pads+nice fairways, really the only thing it's missing is longer holes, you're not getting a driver out ...
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Course is great, very well kept-up, park as a whole is nice, too. Really felt like the course was built around the shorts, most of the longs don't really add anything interesting except distance. Th ...
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This course is fun. It reminds me a lot of Kensington. There are virtually no open long holes (350+) and a few shots where you have to throw up a hill which are more challenging. Many of the holes are ...
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Nice job on this one! Shorts are fun and still challenging not just deuce all day. Longs had me feeling inferior, which it should for anyone sub 900. Tight wooded shots throughout the course. You bett ...
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Been meaning to play here for a while now and was not disappointed! $5 to play/$25 Annually (Ill gladly pony-up the $25!) Great Course, the most well maintained of any Ive ever played. Each Tee had ...
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Upon further review....This course has teeth, it might take a few round for them to show but they will. Quite a round of golf, you will think a lot about your form here. If your drives are awry, the ...
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Great course! Well maintained, lots of technical wooded shots and variation between long and short pads. Park was nice with a clubhouse and bathrooms right on the course, pavilions, picnic tables, g ...
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Sure lives up to its name, Rolling Hills, as the layout is full of ups and downs. Such a beautiful course that is well maintained and fully established. This is one of my favorites courses in Michigan ...
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this course is rollin. theyre hatin. theyre lyin if they say it did em dirty. foreal the best and oldest course in the area and worthy of my first real review. a redesigned track since just past the t ...
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I love older courses for bring the game along ways. Lots of history in the rolling hills. This is a great family spot with lots todo while your at the park. The course is awesome and poses quiet the c ...
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some open some woody, well planned, well laid out.
love the course
thanks to the local clubs for the maintenance of the course!

A challenge from the back and the fronts, but one of the areas best. Well maintained, but some gnarly rough on the edges of pretty much everything. Not many air it out drives, but control players and ...
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-I had to use the map a decent amount and suggest better direction with the use of spray paint on the baskets
-I need to play it again to give a better review, but it worth checking out again for sure!

Course is closest to my home, so biased. Favors my LHBH throw, good variety of elevation for the area. Most drives need to be well controlled; the shule is thick and trouble can be found easily. Mediu ...
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Great Mixture love courses that make you think twice, Great use of elevation changes when available bigger arms don't have the advantage here, Control and Hitting gaps is the name of the game here, Be ...
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Rolling Hills 18 hole disc golf course.
I would consider Rolling Hills my home course. I really like it and I think it offers everything you would need in a disc golf course. This is also the fi ...
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Original (OG) 18 hole course is beautiful with half open and half wooded holes, moderate length with short and long pads on almost all holes. Technical holes in the woods. Moderately Hilly & Moderate ...
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The Labyrinth · Reviews

The Foz · Reviews

The Foz requires a variety of short, tight and technical tunnel shots through woods. Some tricky holes with trees that require creative shots through narrow lines. NOT a good course for beginners and ...
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Rolling hills has come along way sense I first played the old 9 hole course with a wham-0 frisbee back in 1986! Now it offers two 18 hole courses and the fun Labyrinth! The Foz is a great addition .It ...
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