chris king February 14 at 3:03pm
Played a few days ago and left a white jaw breaker zone behind. Had michigan state championship stamp. It was like 3 stamps on top. If found, I would love it back.
Collin Flynn November 2, 2022 at 10:00am
Took my 2 year old out yesterday 11/1 didn't realize he left one his Lunas behind. It's purple and somewhere between hole 7 - hole 9. Got dark quick we couldn't find it.
Chris Landry July 6, 2019 at 9:15pm
Hey everyone! Just a reminder that there is less than a week left to order discs for the Riverview Bands Disc Golf Clinic and Fundraiser. This is an all-ages event.
Patrick Theisen March 21, 2018 at 1:32pm
Where is this course? Cant seem to find directions anywhere online.
Mike Curry October 8, 2017 at 9:41pm
Lost a Zuca cart wheel nut/fastener today 10/8/17. Contact me through this website. Thank you
Keith Walenciak August 11, 2017 at 7:03pm
My good friend had some young ones borrow her discs without permission and played at new nine hole course off of hall road in Woodhaven. They accidentally left her discs behind. One of them was given to her by a good friend that passed away some years ago. It is a red and very old roc. If found, please email me. It is more than just some old disc. It would mean the world to her to get it back.
Adam R August 8, 2017 at 1:12pm
Lost a Claymore with the Captain America shield stamp. Name and number on the disc. Cash reward for its return.
Neal Bachert June 1, 2017 at 2:00am
So dumb me threw one up on the roof so outside of me going up there and personally getting it, wbo should I contact to get it down for me?
It's the schools property now. They will use it for the upcoming gym class's. Sorry bro
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi August 27, 2016 at 3:44am
Registration will soon be closing for the Warren 2016 MVP Circuit (9/25/16). Players pack includes 3 discs and additional swag from MVP Disc Sports for $30 entry. There will be 2 rounds of singles play as well as mini games for additional prizes. Will have men's, women's, and juniors divisions. More players will mean bigger prize pools. With enough registered players the grand prize will include an MVP Black Hole Pro basket. Additional MVP apparel will be available to purchase during r ... more
Brian Morba July 25, 2016 at 8:14pm
Doubles League continues today. Registration begins 530 or earlier, tee off at 6. All skill levels welcome.
Mike "Draz" Chuirazzi June 19, 2016 at 5:16pm
Just a reminder: Registration is now open for the Warren 2016 MVP Circuit (9/25/16). Players pack includes 3 discs and additional swag from MVP Disc Sports for $30 entry. Will have men's, women's, and juniors divisions. The first 25 players to register (if before 7/16/16) will be entered into a bonus CTP which will have a prize valued over $50. More players will mean bigger prize pools. With enough registered players the grand prize will include an MVP Black Hole Pro basket. Additional ... more
Steve Simison April 18, 2016 at 5:03am
Found a Discraft Nuke today, no name or number in it. If you know the type of Nuke it is and the color its yours.
Steve Simison November 16, 2015 at 12:07am
Lost a white 168g Valkyrie off of the right of the fairway on hole #1 in a sea of leaves . Name & number on the disc if found. thanks
Chuck D August 31, 2015 at 8:22pm
I lost my Fitbit somewhere on the course last Friday 8/28/15. It is a black pedometer with a black silicone clip.
David Pickle August 29, 2015 at 2:13am
Left an echo archon somewhere if someone finds it.
Sam Wallace November 26, 2014 at 3:02am
May be pointless to post this as it was back in July, but if you know anything about this lost disc - the reward for it's return still stands. "Lost a super pearly Legacy Patriot out here today. it's clear colored, most of the stamped is wiped, but a metallic blue Legacy Discs logo is on the top. My faded ink: Wally 434-426-2742 should be on the bottom. It must've fell out of my bag or I left it on a hole. Regardless, I couldn't find it. If returned, I have some homemade beer with your name on it. If you're not a beer guy, cash reward instead."
Joey "ThaSicknaz" Gulyas October 12, 2014 at 1:06am
Buddy lost his keys here. Black ford tag
Paul Doherty September 18, 2014 at 12:02am
For those who care--a new basket has been installed for hole 9, but whoever did it couldn't have picked a worse position. It's essentially directly in front of the tee area for #1, so if you take the right hyzer route, you have to throw over/around 9's basket. I understand the school/city wanting to keep the discs away from the building, but this is just a bone-headed decision IMO. It is nice, however, to have a legit target for hole 9, as opposed to a garbage can.
I made it back for the first time in a couple of years, and I thought the 9 placement was a practice basket (silly, i know) or a mistake. There should definitely be a left side Mando for safety ' s sake. Yikes!
Sam Wallace July 15, 2014 at 6:28am
Lost a super pearly Legacy Patriot out here today. it's clear colored, most of the stamped is wiped, but a metallic blue Legacy Discs logo is on the top. My faded ink: Wally 434-426-2742 should be on the bottom. It must've fell out of my bag or I left it on a hole. Regardless, I couldn't find it. If returned, I have some homemade beer with your name on it. If you're not a beer guy, cash reward instead. Let me know please!
Chris Landry October 16, 2013 at 11:01pm
HEADS UP! I played this morning and was asked to leave by the local police. I was told that the course is on school grounds and can only used by students, staff, or parents of students during normal school hours (8am-3pm). The officer was polite and apologetic about it and did not give me a ticket for trespassing, but said that if he saw me out here again during school hours that he would ticket me. He explained that there used to be a sign out there, but it was removed by vandals in which I ... more
yeah i dont think anyones supposed to be on school property during regular hours unless you have a visitors pass. Makes sense to me
Is it the same course as Seitz?