Patrick Treude 68 - Long, 18 holes"Round 2. 12:36 tee time. Played w/ Clinton and Sean. (2nd - $227)"
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Patrick Treude 62 - Long, 18 holes"Round 1. 1:36 tee time. Played w/ Sean and Clinton. (1st)"
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Patrick Treude 57 - Long, 18 holes"Round 1 on a road trip to Ettyville."
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Vern Lepine 58 - Long, 18 holes"Near Pam Cosin got to play this before the heavy rain. Had a lucky 150 ft throw in on hole 16. Nice course but lot of walking to the next holes."