55 following Course discussion
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Kevin Morrow April 20, 2011 at 5:45am
Lost my favorite old style DX Viper w/ the Grateful Dead Flying EYE stamp on 16 last Friday. The Virginia State Frisbee Championships were last weekend and someone turned in my Viper to the found disc box. Who ever it was Thanks a lot! That disc was irreplaceable.
leftronics Davis February 18, 2011 at 10:48pm
Where are the extra 2 baskets??
Misinformation about 20 holes...it is an 18 hole course. Since 2017, every hole now has a bench with tee signs/distances. Every pad has new or almost new carpet. There are several different "next tee" markers mounted on trees throughout the course. Course layout is mounted on the reader board by #1 tee.