
Pine Grove Middle School

Baltimore, MD · 1 course · 18 holes

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Jon Bojarski PG should never go. Talk to anyone at Druid and they will all say that it is still one of the hardest courses in MD.
Jun 7, 2011
Aidan stockton Sep 20, 2023 No way, I’m a causal and shot even. I’m not that good
Raymond B I think all the Glow play at courses are done by a permit. They don't seem to have a problem getting one at the other nearby courses and I would not expect it to be a problem at Double Rock as long as there is a course controlling source. Jun 6, 2011
Jason Hairfield I love being able to hit up PG for rounds of glow too. That may not be as easy at Double Rock since it is a dawn til dusk park. I doubt they will grant permission to just anyone. Jun 6, 2011
Raymond B
Well my thought is I would hate to see Pinegrove go, its been there for 30 yeaes, However it does have its share of problems, from erosion and consistant muddy holes as well as a course shared with o ... show more ›
Jun 6, 2011
Jason Hairfield I like the sound of that. Does anyone actually own the baskets at Pine Grove? I will try and talk to the guy about setting up a charity event. Jun 5, 2011
Jon Bojarski Yea, the person in charge of that Double Rock needs to reach out to the community more. Let's get some donations and do a tourney/ cfr disc to raise money. I may even donate a basked if I get my name on it. Jun 4, 2011
Jason Hairfield
They are all there still. Sorry to alarm anyone. I just talked to someone who said there are plans to move them all to Double Rock. While the thought of another course(a full 18)sounds awesome, i drea ... show more ›
Jun 4, 2011
Jason Hairfield Has anybody heard anything about the baskets being taken out of Pine Grove? Jun 3, 2011
Raymond Beck I just played yesterday, all baskets were there! there was rumor to move two of the extra baskets over to Double Rock Park if that course gets built. Other than that nothing has changed on the course except an ocasional basket movement on hole 2/17 & 4/15 Jun 3, 2011
Scott H They're not there anymore??? Jun 3, 2011
Jon Bojarski There is only one long tee postion that I know about and no one plays it. (hole 17) Thanks to whom ever got the trash off of the course from that fallen trash can.
Apr 4, 2011
Chris Zeruto only one set of tees at the grove Mar 31, 2011
Jason Hairfield I have been marking my Pine Grove scores as long tees. I notice that the norm seems to be short tees being marked. What makes the difference here? I play the 1st basket for the 18th and the alternate back basket for the 10th. Does this make it long tees? Mar 31, 2011
Raymond Beck
I was informed as to where some of the pin locations were, I really don't think they would change the course that much, just would make some holes little longer/shorter. Personally I would like to ... show more ›
Jan 25, 2011
Raymond Beck No, Why do you ask? Feb 2, 2011
Raymond Beck I talked to someone a while back who was doing a lot of the work at pinetree and there are more pin locations but you would need a metal detector to find them. Not sure who has all the keys to the baskets. Jan 18, 2011
Raymond Beck
I go to pick up my post hole digger this weekend and see if I can get over there early next week. Problem I have is on weekends I am in the Annapolis area and during the week I don't get home (near P ... show more ›
Dec 28, 2010
Jason Hairfield Yes, the marker is still missing from #3. That would be great to get one back in there my man. Dec 28, 2010
Raymond Beck Does anyone know if the 3rd hole tee marker is still missing? I actually got a 3rd hole sign & 4x4 if I can just get over there to install it. Dec 17, 2010
Jason Hairfield Thanx alot for the info Nov 24, 2010
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