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Parker's Pasture is a favorite of 65 players
Win Griffith Georgia, USA
Andy Ragsdale USA
John Steen Georgia, USA
Brian Yoder US
Matt Polk US
Al Hause US
Nic Farley Georgia, USA
Ethan Pegram USA
Rodney Sheets Georgia, USA
Tyler Moore Georgia, USA
Ron Wilkins Georgia, USA
Bruce Chirrey USA
Charles McNulty Georgia, USA
Quentin Okiyama USA
Joel Terning USA
Brent Pearson USA
Trent Johnson USA
Greg Yobp US
Tracy Lacue Georgia, USA
Aaron Anderson Georgia, USA
Kevin B Kelly North Carolina, USA
Jason Cosby US
Scott Hall US
Keith Bell US
Donny Cook US
Curtis Trickler USA
Todd Gordon Georgia, USA
Matt Staley USA
Jeff Rodgers USA
Vance Oliver Georgia, USA
Jim Miranda Georgia, USA
Joseph D Harris USA
Scott Stevens USA
Aaron Cutlip US
Paul Grice US
Matthew Bennett USA
Drew Dykes Georgia, USA
Michael Richards USA
Paul R Beckett Georgia, USA
Nicholas Moore USA
Kyle Rubis USA
Phillip Slater USA
Wes Still USA
Tyler Cochran USA
Felix Vega Georgia, USA