B+ Ethan Googer Jan 18 Fun course, mix of wooded, water, and open. 1 and 18 can ruin your round. Fairly challenging
A+ Grant Eberle Mar 2024 Excellent Course. Very nice A and B layout. I like how there are some holes in the field, some over water, and some in wooded areas.
A+ Sam Price Sep 10
This is one of the Best courses in the Houston Area. It has a variety of Open, Wooded, and Technical holes. The wind is the added bonus that makes this course tough to score on. This course will allow ... show more ›
B Destroyer Dan Sep 10
Breakdown: This is a beautiful beginner friendly course that is fun for experts alike, and the only reason it is not higher on the list is the distance it is from the population centers. For me, I've ... show more ›
B+ Paul Verberne Dec 2021 This is a deceptively challenging course with enough variety to stay interesting.
A- Scott Adkins Jun 2020 Very challenging course with various layouts.
A+ Sheldon Jefferson Sep 10 Fair course with fair lines. Good amenities, and maintained well. A few of the holes could drain better.