B Nick Ferchau Jul 2018 Decent variety of shots. Lots of elevation changes. Ground is disced for fire so there are no rollers or skip shots hers. It is also tough to hike for people with weak ankles or knees because of the loose footing.
B+ Peter Ensrud Jan 2018
I think this is a nice 9 hole course. There are some easy holes here that people with some range can easily birdie or ace. Not a lot of overhead hazards or thick trees. Mostly free and clear. Nice to ... show more ›
A- Scott Brown Aug 2016 Long shots with lots of terrain.
B- Travis Bones Miranda Apr 2016 Only nine holes but can be a doosy. I love this course. Lots of air to throw in. Up and down hills. More of an open course with deadly elevation. Wind can get a bit heavy. Nice Mach baskets with a skate park on site. Great course with a decent layout.
B Fly'N'Ryan Silva Jan 2015 Nice cource, possibility of looseing a disc is high! Fun spot nice and uncrowded durring the week!
B Gary N Jan 2014 It was my first course so I have a soft spot in my heart for it. Definitely contains poison oak. Haven't played it since 2002 or 2003. Was supposed to change somewhat after the addition of a skate park on the premises.
B+ Corey Kohler Oct 2013 Do not under estimate this course, a smaller size course, yet very technical 9 with alternate tee positions, find a local to throw with ya!
B- Dan Flanz Apr 2012 Not a bad course for what it is, there is a lot of elevation change. Anyone with a good arm wont need more than a midrange, all of the longer holes are downhill. I dont have a big arm and there is only 2 uphill holes that i cannot reach.
B Nate Holland Jan 2012 This is a nice 9 hole course in a well used park. You'll need to watch for other park users where paths bring them into play in a few spots. Enough variety and challenge here to improve your game. Some good length, plenty of elevation changes, sloped/fast greens. Nice locals.
C Jack W Oct 2010 I've lost a couple of my favorite discs on hole #6. The poison oak is thick here and the dried grass and stickers get pretty tall at times. Wear pants and boots not shorts and sandals.