6300' of challenging lines through Michigan forests and up and down a few hills will test all your throws. Please practice "Leave No Trace" and always give walkers/bikers/hikers the right-of-way!
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6300' of challenging lines through Michigan forests and up and down a few hills will test all your throws. Please practice "Leave No Trace" and always give walkers/bikers/hikers the right-of-way!
Out of Bounds/Mandatories
Hole 1: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 2: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 3: On or over walking path right of the fairway
Hole 4: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 5: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 6: On or over walking path right side of the fairway
Hole 7:
Hole 8: Mandatory right of arrow to avoid bike path. Use short pad as drop zone for missed mandos. OB on or over bike path along left side and beyond pin
Hole 9: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 10: On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 11: Mandatory right of arrow to avoid bike path. Use short pad as drop zone for missed mandos. OB on or over bike path along left side and beyond pin
Hole 12: Mandatory right of arrow to avoid bike path. Use short pad as drop zone for missed mandos. OB on or over bike path along left side and beyond pin
Hole 13: On or over walking path left side of fairway. On or over bike path beyond pin
Hole 14: On or over bike path beyond pin.
Hole 15: On or over bike path right of pin.
Hole 16: On or over bike path left side of fairway.
Hole 17: On or over bike path beyond pin.
Hole 18: On or over walking path beyond pin, over the ledge.
OB's are currently marked with Red flags.
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