Nick Simon June 25, 2015 at 9:01pm
Only 10 spots left for this weekend's tournament at McGraft!!
Nick Simon June 22, 2015 at 10:29pm
Sunday June 28. McGraft Open!!! Don't miss one of the only PDGA sanctioned event at this course! Details are on the Scene!
Dolf Frolfer III May 22, 2015 at 5:33pm
It was great to play with some of the McNasty crew from the days of old last night. Whitey who got me playing leagues out there probably 10-15 years ago, Seth a brother who's been there all along and Kdogg who I remember coming out as the hippie kid he still is. Ive been around long enough to see the good ones come and go. Hambone, Keller, back to the days of Puka and Kevin...diamond dave. More recently seeing Bret Bryant come on a what seemed to me as a kid and now Huiser and Kagen/ Ha ... more
Dolf Frolfer III May 21, 2015 at 7:38pm
As some of you know, I am moving to Oregon soon. In effort to see some friends before I go, I will be making a "dirty" appearance tonight for leagues.
Chris Lozen April 2, 2015 at 3:56am
My girlfriend left a yellow/green champion mamba on hole 7. Her name and number is on the back or you can message me for a return. It would be much appreciated since she only throws about 5 discs. Thanks in advance!
K Dogg March 26, 2015 at 7:16pm
Tonight will be the final doubles league round. Next week we will start doing handicapped singles. If you had a handicap last year it will roll over. Ace pool will start next week also. For the first 3 weeks it will be up for any player, after week 3 only players who have played at least 3 singles rounds this year will be able to get full amount, other players will get the week total. See ya out there
Tim Evans March 17, 2015 at 6:58pm
We are in the planning stage of having a club team for the High School aged players in Whitehall. We are looking for interest from other courses, clubs or schools in the area. Our plan is to have a weekly practice round for all who are interested and will match up the averages with the other teams players during weekend matches in May and June. We will have clinics with local pros as well. Format is not in stone and ideas from other interested clubs are welcomed. Again, this is in its infancy an ... more
Some friends and I would be very interested.. The only bad news is we are freshman in college at MCC!
Seth K August 30, 2014 at 5:52am
Work will resume on tee pads this weekend. Anyone who would like to help can meet on Sunday August 31 @ 11am in the gravel lot near 8tee/10basket (McGraft Park rd.) Contact me with any questions. Thanks, S.
Awesome! Thanks for making McGraft a better disc golf course Seth!
Hits Trees July 26, 2014 at 5:09am
Singles handicap league every thursday at 6 cost is $5 to play.
David Leverenz September 8, 2013 at 4:59pm
Is there an active league running at his course? The one on this site shows as inactive.
Cody Klintworth August 26, 2013 at 2:58am
If anybody knows the person that picked up an orange Disc raft driver by the bleachers near the playground. Please have then get ahold of me so I can get it back. It is a buddy of mines disc that his kid was playing with by the playground! If anybody can help it would be appreciated! Thanks
MEAT BABY August 25, 2013 at 5:23pm
12 pads complete but there is still a lot to do. Help is still needed. Turnout has been poor. It really shows me who's about it. N who's not. MBYC to all the slacjers who could help but find an excess. May your chin get chaffed
im out of town this week, but a lot of people want to know what the work hours are so they can show up!
Cody Klintworth August 15, 2013 at 5:47am
Are all the holes getting cement tee pads?
yep. we will be starting to set forms for the remaining holes this weekend.
Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler August 8, 2013 at 3:16pm
The new cement tee pads looked great!
yeah, i figured you would be working. i was there yesterday around 3pm
well next time ur in my hood you better wait til i get home before you leave
Andrew Boyle July 26, 2013 at 9:08pm
lost a z comet on 16. if found please contact me. also found 2 discs. one on the fairway of 13 and one one 16. if you can identify them go ahead and contact me. one on 13 had phone number but no answer. thanks.
somewhat. 171-172. I was so shocked. first time at the course. I walked up to see where the basket was. then teed off and all I heard was chains. so stoked.
Andrew Boyle July 25, 2013 at 2:47am
out of towner looking to play this course earlier in the day on friday. anyone want to play a round and show me the course?
MEAT BABY July 24, 2013 at 6:02pm
Holes 2,3,12,13,15,16 now have pads
MEAT BABY July 17, 2013 at 12:01am
Commited Volunteers needed to help put in tee pads. There will be a brief meeting thursday at leagues to discuss how u can help. Starting Friday on hold 6 after 4 p.m. ..please attend leagues this week to show your support and to offer your help....
i cant make it this week, but my thoughts are with you. :) once ya'll figure it out let me know and ill be there on the work day
Hits Trees May 21, 2013 at 7:35am
I can't believe it tee pads hell yeah!
Hayden Hall May 20, 2013 at 7:54pm
July 12th is the date for teepads at mcgraft!!!!!
Yea.... I heard this from a couple people, but talked to Seth and he said that this was not the date. Sorry guys, just know that they are coming this summer!!!
i heard some rumors about a teepad party as well. sounds like fun
<sniff> gonna miss ya