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Jon Harris May 30, 2020 at 3:31pm
The road around the park is now open as is the disc golf course. The #8 basket has been removed due to rising lake levels and the #9 tee basket is still under water. The new configuration is #7 tee to #9 basket then #8 tee played backwards to the #7 basket. I am working with the city to redesign the course back to 9 holes.
Jon Harris June 11, 2019 at 1:25pm
Holes 8 & 9 are currently under water because of the record lake levels.
Greg Argyle July 31, 2017 at 12:42am
Lost an orange star destroyer in the water on hole #1. About half way up the fairway, guessing 50-75 ft off shore. Reward for its return.
Jon Harris July 19, 2017 at 2:19pm
Hole #2 has been moved up 15 feet from the shore. The lake levels have risen so much the basket was surrounded by water. The lines on that hole are completely changed. Go down there and check it out :)
Jon Harris April 25, 2016 at 7:18pm
Cement tee pads have been installed on all 9 holes! It makes the course 100X better :)
Joshua N April 17, 2015 at 1:29am
This course makes me never want to play by water ever again! !!!
Ludington Park course is just plain turrrible!! Be sure to check out the underwater disc shop located next to the bridge!
you gotta just.play safe Sunday..you can do it..but yes I know..lost 2 on the ice on Sun.day.
I like the course a lot now also just sucked at first throwing disc in the lake cause I sucked lol
I'll keep my eye's open for it!