A- Rick G Jul 14
Well designed course. Earlier reviews complained about problems following the layout from hole to hole. This has been alleviated by red and white wooden arrows posted to indicate the direction of th ... show more ›
A Mark Johnson Jul 2021 Very well designed course. Excellent mix of different type holes. The woods holes are really nicely done. Very well kept course. Navigation on a couple holes was a little confusing the first time around but not too bad. Super fun course!
A+ Duffy Fontenot Dec 2020 Champion level course, open and wooded holes, some smashes but also some touch shots.
A- Patrick Treude Dec 2019
Beautiful well manicured park on rolling hills. This course test both the technical shots required but as well bombing drives on the open holes. Design is fair but could have been more creative on t ... show more ›
A Mike Sullivan May 2019 New infrastructure (bridges, tees, gravel, etc) is excellent. Judicious pruning of the underbrush is even better. Only one muddy area to cross. Playing VERY well.
C Katie Meloy May 2018 Started by not being able to find hole 1. I got a course map from the nice folks in the park office. Even with a map this course is hard to navigate, and I found myself frustrated over trying to find the next tee.
A+ Chris Grennen Jan 2022 I love loriella. 14+ years of playing this course. It's also my home course
B Tyler Engel Jan 2017
Style of Course - Mixed (1/3 open, 2/3 wooded: The style of this course is pretty good, in my opinion. It starts and ends with open holes. This setup feels nice to play; an easier start and finish to ... show more ›
A- Chris Carpenter May 2014 Great course with baller variety.
A Greg S Sep 2014 Definitely a course that can be enjoyed by all. Optional baskets and teepads make for a lot of options for a game.. Keep it low and straight through the woods when you can. Nice backdoor/local routes when you can find them. Sometimes a frustrating course but always a fun game.
B+ Josh Prasek "Pricecheck" May 2012
Course map? Hole 1 is easy to find but it's a little confusing after that. There's alternate pin placements and pads, yet some pins aren't in and some pads are offset and can be hard to know which one ... show more ›
A DJ Anderson Mar 2012 GREAT Course! Enjoyed it a ton just wish it was closer to home.
B+ Kevin Morrow Jun 2011
Loriella is turning out to be my home course. Most holes are through the woods but the first 2 & last 2 are open. Uphill & downhill shots. Hyzers & anhyzers off the tee. Plenty of birdie opportunities ... show more ›
B+ leftronics Davis Jan 2011 one of my fav courses in the area, no waits at tees, good mix of open and wooded holes