Lake Marshall Disc Golf Club

Montross, Virginia     4 courses · 63 holes     Driving directions

The Lions   update course info

Established 2020
Pay to play
$10 Nov-March:All day
$20 Apr-Oct - All Day

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Course records

Regular tees, 18 holes

The Lair   update course info

Established 2017
Designed by Trey Hamlet
Pay to play
$10 Nov-March:All day
$20 Apr-Oct - All Day
A challenging, championship level course that plays through the woods. Incredibly fun and fair. Plays over rolling hills ... more

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Course records

Regular Tees, 18 holes
Regular tees, 36 holes

The Lambs   update course info

Pay to play
$10 Nov-March:All day
$20 Apr-Oct - All Day

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Course records

Regular tees, 9 holes

The Cubs (Kids)   update course info

Pay to play
$10 Nov-March:All day
$20 Apr-Oct - All Day

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Course records

Regular tees, 18 holes
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