Kensington Metropark

Milford, Michigan     2 courses · 36 holes     Driving directions
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Andy Bawol    April 18, 2011 at 2:31am

Joe, really? While I support getting these people off the course I cannot support doing it in a manner that may escalate a situation into something it doesn't need to be. I will reiterate my point. Park property is not your place to dole out justice as you see fit. I don't know how to make this any clearer. Two wrongs do not make a right. If this was happening on your private course do whatever you like to get the people off it, I couldn't care less. When your actions have a hand ... more


Shaun Adkins    April 17, 2011 at 9:56pm

tweakers that openly smoke meth probably need to have a reality check. there is snitching and then there is doing what is right. here is a scenario; i am smoking a joint and the cops walk up on me and i proceed to tell them "well there are a bunch of guys ahead of me smoking meth." if you are trying to get out of trouble by tattling or you are just jealous that they are smoking meth and you arent, that is snitching. im not one to needlessly involve the cops but if i had my 2 and 5 year ... more


Joe Gabris    April 17, 2011 at 8:12pm

Yo Pat Burke, why don't you tell these people how we like to deal with these swilly little crooked hat casuals that disrespect our courses. Needless to say we have often stumbled upon stupid out on the course, confronted stupid and explained to them why they don't belong there, made them leave and strongly suggested that we never see them again. Most certainly this is not always a smooth process but we have a 100% success rate at never seeing these people again. If this process is not ... more


Jay B    April 17, 2011 at 7:48pm

and fyi...if kensington was my home course and i paid those dollars to play and for passes, hell yes i would call the police to do their job, otherwise youre just wasting your tax dollars while complaining about paying taxes instead of utilizing the police force your tax dollars are paying for.....DUH!


Jay B    April 17, 2011 at 7:41pm

wow dare i be involved in this heated debate...lmao....who cares what anyone elses opinion is on the matter, especially since they werent there, the only thing that matters is doing what "YOU" feel is the right thing to do, violence be-gets violence and turning your head just enables more negative activity, THIS IS WHY WE HAVE POLICE TO CALL AND DEAL WITH IT, if others want to think you ruined it for them because you called the police its their bad and "THEIR" loss if they choose to not play there because the police might be there


Nick Pacific    April 17, 2011 at 6:17pm

@Kevin I hear ya bro. You made a solid argument from the other side. But I think at the end of the day, this isn't some crappy course in the middle of the inner city. This is a state park and our tax dollars fund it, right out of our pockets. Compounded on top of that, most of us purchase park passes ($25) and bag tags ($25), not to mention gas at $4 bucks a gallon.

We are all paying a small chunk of change to play here, and it shouldn't be ruined. I totally agree w/ everyone ... more


Jeff Kaluk    April 17, 2011 at 5:26pm

well spoken Rooster. I talked to the park this morning (which I do every week) and they told me that their full time attendents and police will be starting up May 1st. They will be increasing their presence on the course.


Andy Bawol    April 17, 2011 at 5:01pm

I certainly did not say to turn a blind eye. that would be a horrible thing to do. Telling people to take things into their own hands is basically giving them a license to do what they feel is the correct thing to do. I think we both know some people think violence is the answer. Personally, I would have called the park and let them deal with the issue as it was happening on park property. This is not your place to dole out "justice". I have told people to stop writing on picnic tables ... more


Andy Bawol    April 17, 2011 at 4:41pm

Then when the course is closed because it was the site of a beating which stemmed a lawsuit that cost the park thousands. Where will you take the thug life mentality?


Andy Bawol    April 17, 2011 at 4:18pm

Yes, I guess we were raised differently. I was raised to deal with thing is a civil and diplomatic fashion. You on the other hand, we were raised to be a thug.


Kevin M    April 17, 2011 at 11:00am

@Andy Bawol Yes, and you sound like a snitch. If you call the police on someone you are snitching, didn't think it was rocket science. I am never at the course alone, so if me and my 3-4 buddies walked up on some people and told them to cut it out or leave... they would do so. Different people are raised in different ways i guess.


Mike Even    April 15, 2011 at 12:57am

@ Kevin....No worries mate. I didn't take anything you said as malice. My daughter has been tagging along since we could put sun screen on her, so that's what, 6 months old? Get those kids out there bud, my kid is now starting to actually throw discs in the correct direction, trying to do a running start, and barking at me to get outta her way because it's her turn. Just avoid K-Town after 2pm :P


Jeff Kaluk    April 15, 2011 at 12:19am

Most of the public discgolf courses are over run by younger kids with nothing better to do but mob together in the woods, smoke a joint then leave to go find somthing else better to do. I talk with the park cops all the time and they dont want to hassel the regular serious discgolfer. They dont want the tweekers to make the whole park look bad. Call the park if there is a problem. Let them settle it. Better to chase off the rats than to let the rats force the park to close the course.


Trevor "Doppler" Dixon    April 15, 2011 at 12:18am

yeah new tree down on 19 those tweaks got in a meth fueled rage because of irrational Schizophrenic ideas of it being the trees fault they suck and aim for shit, i want these CASS-uals to go back to big bad northville if i see anyone fuckin with my trees I'm gonna flip out and probably call the cops, i can stand that shit


Kevin M    April 14, 2011 at 11:54pm


Hopefully you will still be able to enjoy Disc Golf. I am sorry if i came off as kinda an a$$. I try to look at every story from both sides. I myself have a daughter who is 2 and know she is not old enough to come out yet, but also as stated before am a legal MMJ patient. I am just tired of a couple knuckle -heads ruining everything for everyone. I used to be able to go discing 10 years ago, and not see another person the whole time. Hopefully in the future people will be more respectful of the coarse, but i do not see that happening.


Andy Bawol    April 14, 2011 at 11:46pm

Are you serious Kevin? Your going to call this guy a snich becuase he wants to call the park because his daufghter witnessed people doing drugs in a public place? That has got to be the most assinine thing I've heard in quite some time. It is no ones right to break the law. If keeping these types of idiots off the course means having drug dogs out there and patrol all the better. Taking matters into your own hands is probably the worst idea like Mark said. Especially with a three year old b ... more


Mike Even    April 14, 2011 at 11:37pm

As of now, I haven't called the office for the reasons you mentioned Nick. My mother didn't raise a snitch, so I'm still debating it because Black Locust is a great course and a few tweakers shouldn't have to ruin it for the rest of the bunch (casual or regular). I talked with the wife, and we both agreed that playing K-town during peek hours just isn't an option with the little goober. So I will just play the course early like you suggested. To answer your question ... more


g lane    April 14, 2011 at 10:27pm

and i thought the biggest concern here was the spelling problem. wakka wakka.


Mark Stephens    April 14, 2011 at 10:19pm

Confronting pople who are under the effect of powerful drugs also seems like a winning plan to me! I am certain they would have apologized and moved along...


Kevin M    April 14, 2011 at 10:09pm

Hey nick, if you smoke in your car and you and your car smell whats to stop them from busting you anyways? That's all we need is dogs up there. I a m a registered medical user, but am pretty sure they would say i do not have permission to smoke on there property. Mike Even, I go at 9 AM myself on Sundays to avoid all the BS. No matter what if it wasn't Meth it could be drunks which is completely legal. I would suggest not taking your daughter to the disk golf coarse during the &qu ... more


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