Amy Markel July 29 at 12:07pm
AM Worlds Volunteer signup is open.
The spots have been added for during worlds. There will be water available at courses during worlds for all volunteers. If you work a full day lunch will be provided. There will also be thank you goodies based on the amount of time worked.
*In the notes section please list your shirt size and any food allergies you may have.
Volunteer Details - Week of Worlds
- Lunch provided
- Discs/Merch Provided E ...
Michael David Kridler July 21, 2022 at 11:36pm
If you know anybody not playing on Thursday nights could you please send them out to Sparta for Bryan? We're not getting a very good turnout
Michael David Kridler May 6, 2020 at 12:27am
Lost a red titanium crank on the second hole. No name or number but I would like to get it back.
8 O 8 m March 19, 2020 at 10:59pm
Lost a highlighter orange z plastic stalker on hole 11 in the leaves
Michael David Kridler February 21, 2020 at 10:06pm
Lost purple crank on a second hole on the left side Hit me up if you find it
Shayne Currow August 4, 2018 at 5:41pm
who wants to play a round
Niel Stoppa II January 9, 2018 at 4:57pm
Just want to let my fellow disc chuckers know that this coming saturday, Jan.13th is the GRDOD lce Bowl Tournament. This means Jaycee Park will be closed for casual play from daylight till at least 4 pm. Please share this information and tell everyone you talk to that might be planning on going there about the tournament.
Cooper Hendrick December 18, 2017 at 11:34pm
Lost my brand new prodigy x5 in between hole 2 pad and 1 basket . If founds please text 616-389-7734
Chad Baird October 1, 2017 at 5:41pm
Great Park to play this was on of my favorite places to play back on the day.
Ryan Koster August 12, 2017 at 10:38pm
My Pre-Flight Orange/Pear Championl Orc was stolen off of the fairway on hole 12. I had eyes on it when it settled in the fairway next to the walking path and I'm pretty sure the two older guys walking to hole 16 snagged it. And when I asked them about it as they were by hole 17's tee pad they said they didnt see it.
Steve T June 13, 2017 at 3:51pm
Found a credit/debit card on hole 17 yesterday...lmk if its yours. I will turn it into the bank if nobody claims.
I lost a bunch a debit/credit cards and my I'd at Jaycee weeks ago.
Scott Adkins March 11, 2017 at 9:30pm
I lost a Birthday Bash disc by the lumber on hole 5. It would mean a lot time toget it back. Name and number is on the disc
josh yates March 6, 2017 at 5:45pm
Cash dubs @ fallasburg march 25. This is a byop tournament. 40$ a team. All divisions paid out in cash. Check it out on the tournament page.
Curt Rozell December 22, 2016 at 12:32am
Always come back to Michigan every summer and stop and play JC. Its one of the first courses I learned to play on. Wish it was lot closer to sc to play it more.
Love Boyd Hill and Winthrop Gold in Rock Hill. JC is a fun course in GR though.
Yeah have played boyd hill and winthrop gold a number of times. Live 1.5 hours south of them. lots of great courses poping up in the upstate of south carolina
Michele Ramon November 21, 2016 at 4:06pm
Lost a white XL on hole 1 on right side of fairway perhaps by bank. It's in the leaves. Reward for return
Sasha B October 3, 2016 at 5:41pm
Found a disc yesterday (10.2.16) no ink. If you lost one, message me a description.
Nick Simon August 19, 2016 at 5:51pm
***Grand Isle Open!!! Sat and Sun Aug 20-21. This weekend! B-tier with $500 added cash for MPO! Make sure you sign up for the first ever sanctioned tournament at Grand Isle!!
Shea Abbgy August 19, 2016 at 3:06pm
A lot going on at Jaycee the weekend of 8/27 and 8/28. Saturday 8/27 GRDGU is holding a fundraiser tournament for Project Johnson. The goal of Project Johnson is to raise the funds to reinstall baskets and install concrete tee pads and new signs at Johnson Park. Kent County Parks and Recreation has already approved their plan. All we have to do is fund it.
Then, Sunday 8/28 Dan Treece and Willie Prince are hosting the "Rumble in the Jungle." All the proceeds from this event go ...
Samuel Preston July 22, 2016 at 3:50am
Lost a blue first run surge last night . Distract, esp plastic.
Willing to reward the person who found/finds it..
Please call my number on the disc.
The disc is very sentimental to me
Rick "Rightfield" Mol July 1, 2016 at 11:59pm
Lost yellow prodigy f5 with sunglasses stamp. Pretty sure I left it on 10.... Would love to have it back, willing to trade plastic!
Does it have a tea Rex on it