Alex “Juice” Johnson September 21, 2023 at 2:06pm
Lost red toro..I believe left at pad on hole 1. Please let me know if found!
Ryann Mathias April 11, 2023 at 11:52pm
Lost a pink big z vulture on 7 really love that disc would love it returned
Jamison Russ December 10, 2022 at 2:23am
Lost a purple big Z raptor. Two pieces of glow tape on it. Reward if found. Thanks!
Wesley Shinevar August 15, 2022 at 6:19pm
The disc golf course will be closed this Wednesday, 8/17, from 5pm to close for poison ivy spraying. Please do not play on the course while the workers are spraying. Thank you for your understanding.
Erin Oakley May 14, 2022 at 3:00pm
New disc golf store in South Lansing! We have tons of Innova, Legacy, Discraft, Dynamic Discs, Latitude 64, Westside, and MORE! We have 7 bins of used plastic also. We have bags, umbrellas, and other good miscellaneous items for sale as well. Lots of new stock coming in next week!
Mike Kemp February 17, 2022 at 2:01pm
Lost a green/teal Lux Link with my new logo on it. Hole 3, right side in the crap of someone finds it
Curtis LaFond February 9, 2022 at 1:14pm
Lost an Infinite Discs Glow (blue-ish) Slab on Hole 8. Has a weird purple L type pattern on top. Let me know if discovered, thanks!
Michael Lewandowski November 10, 2021 at 2:15am
Lost a blue undertaker on hole #1, right side of the fairway probably under the leaves. Will pay for it back!
Bob G September 3, 2021 at 9:34pm
Found a Discraft Flx Surge on #7. Has a name on the back. Would like to get it back to its owner.
WHat's the name on the back? That might help us reconnect it with it's owner.
Connor Loftus May 15, 2021 at 12:37am
Forgot to pick up my pink proto Malta on hole 7... I hit the first tree in the center of the fairway and it kicked left. Has my name and number on it!
Jeremy B October 23, 2020 at 5:28pm
Lost a dark tye dye valk about a month ago (kinda red and blue but really dark in champion plastic). It says Jason Simpson on the back but that is not me. I got the disc from him about 7 years ago. I kinda thought I was ok losing it, but now I am really missing it. $20 bucks for its return.
I'll keep an eye out. Do you know what hole you lost it on? Seems like it would have likely been found by now but in case it as not, let me know where it was lost.
Hole 8 off to the right. Now i'm thinking I shot through the woods and ended up near the teepad for number 9.
Alex Reed September 24, 2020 at 5:36pm
Lost a yellow avenger ss between 3-5 woods, disc is inked, reward if returned
I've got a yellow discraft nuke in that same spot as well that is inked.
Dan Donovan July 29, 2020 at 12:12am
Found two discs on the course today- 1 way off in the rough left on 7, almost back to the tee pad on 5. One right in the middle of the approach on 9. No names but a big Z or something sharpied on the bottom of the second one. Let me know what they are and I'll get them back to you!
Randy "Shide-Arm" Shideler July 16, 2020 at 2:32pm
Found a disc about 40' from the basket of hole #3 today (7/16/20).
Name it & I'll PM you about getting it back to you.
Nathan Sattler April 25, 2020 at 1:36pm
Is this course open now?
Scott Dee August 19, 2019 at 1:10pm
There is a multiple tree left of hole 6 tee pad which had split previously.
One trunk is leaning across trail and barely supported by adjacent tree.
Looks like one of those dangerous ones that is going to make one loud noise when it is on its way down.
Henry Wolfe IV July 24, 2019 at 5:52pm
I left my baby blue champion aviar 3 putter on hole 9 Monday. If anyone finds it I have a reward for you. It was a gift and my go to putter. Thanks in advance.
Eric Lynch June 21, 2019 at 4:10pm
I love this course, it's so well maintained and very ideal for growing my putter and mid-range skills. For anyone on here who goes there, I lost my Jawbreaker Buzz on the 3rd hole on an early release, it should be right in the plants on the left side of the fairway before the Mando. My name and number are on there.
I'll be out there this weekend doing some pruning. I'll take a minute or two and look over there. We're also due for our annual mow if it ever stops raining so the fairways will be cleaned up whenever that the weather cooperates!
Awesome! I've been itching to get back out there. I saw that you're also putting in cement tees? I'm very excited for that. Looking forward to the next dry-spell so I can come out to the newly groomed and upgraded course!
Yes on the cement tees! The plan was to work on those in July but with everything being continuously wet, I'm not sure of a date yet but they're in the works!
Robert Roosa June 6, 2019 at 2:53pm
Played a couple of putter only single mold rounds last night with my Discraft Roaches. Very enjoyable. Last year I was throwing a lot of mids on this course, but having trouble finding the right power level, as I was pushing them past the baskets (into the thicket) quite often. I can only throw a Roach about 200 on a line (at full power), so that solved that!
All that being said, my Dad an I want to give a shoutout to Wes and all of the other volunteers for keeping this place in great shape. ...
Thanks Robert!~ We are hoping to get cement pads in there some time in July to finalize things. We have received approval and funding from the City. I just have to set the date and get it organized :D
Might be some snow melt today. Run out there in the afternoon if you're able!