melissa martin June 5, 2023 at 9:58pm
What time is league starting on Tuesday?
Corey Carpenter May 21, 2023 at 5:55pm
Lost a fireball on hole 17 right side of basket can throw some cash or a disc if found have bagged that 1 for 3 years.
Brock Emrick April 22, 2023 at 1:45am
I left my Ezra ghost stamp nuke on hole 18 by the basket on Thursday after noon if anyone picked it up I would give an reward to get it back, it was a gift to me by a friend and I crossed out his number but neglected to add my own
If i see it I’ll let you know but that’s a long shot bud. Fly on ghosty
David Pitz August 23, 2022 at 10:11pm
My yellow champion groove is in the trees between 1 & name and # on it
Paul Zmich July 20, 2022 at 1:56pm
Lost my blue Latitude 64 River across the creek near #17's basket. My name and number are on it.
Brian Six February 10, 2022 at 9:55pm
Watch out for those ice shanties...
If they don't get a custom stamp that says "What kind of bait are you using?" I'll be disappointed.
Paul Zmich November 27, 2021 at 12:37am
I somehow left my InZone Kwik-Stik retriever on hole 17 on Wednesday (It sucks getting old). Reward if returned.
Paul Zmich September 2, 2021 at 7:12pm
Lost a red DD Raider in the spillway on #17. My name and number are on it. Maybe one of these days I will learn how to throw into a right to left headwind.
Chuck H. July 20, 2021 at 8:11pm
Lost a Champion Thunderbird on hole 12 with my name and number on it.
Joe Random April 23, 2021 at 12:59pm
Tomorrow's (4/24) first round for the US Amateur Match Play Doubles Championships will start roughly around 9am. Tournament central will be at the pavilion off the path by 18 if it's not being used. Brackets will be randomized through UDisc.
Each player of each team gets a Dynamic Discs Prime Moonshine Emac Judge and Latitude 64 Opto SPZ2. All the colors are random.
Please wear masks at tournament central and when you're in close proximity of other people while on the course.
Let's have some fun!
Greg Platt March 30, 2021 at 6:31pm
Has dubs started,and if so what time?
Hey Greg we played last night in the tornado and had a good bit of daylight left when we finished. Next week we are gonna start at 5:30 hope you can make it.
Start time is now 530p. Be there 15 min early. That is the time for the foreseeable future every week.
Jay Boyden February 26, 2021 at 3:01pm
Lost a Grey burst warden & Red Burst warden on 14 yesterday. Also lost a light blue Caimen in the river on 17. Rough round...
I may be out there today. I'll take a look. I lost an F Model US on 16 the other day
Ayyye thanks Andy! Let me know the next time you play Hudson and ill come meet you. Maybe get a round in.
Garrett Shreve October 6, 2020 at 6:17pm
Lost an Innova Starblast yellow on hole 10
Brad Anderson September 25, 2020 at 6:27pm
Oddly, I found a DD Escape (Pink Burst) on 12 that has ink but they won't text me back. Maybe I'm not reading the smudges right. Message me the inscription and it's yours
Omg you found my disc! It should have a CW with a smiley face/tongue face on it and my phone number starting with 234 on it.
Mark Bradbourne September 24, 2020 at 12:57am
Lost a DD Proof (Pink Burst) on 12 somewhere around the creek. Not inked but I’d love to get it back.
If you get it back see if my green tee bird white wraith green roadrunner, white pro shryke, green sidewinder or pink witness are nesr it becUse noone returns anything at hudson unfortunately
Yeah I lost 3 discs the other day on various holes at Hudson and not a single one did anyone say they found. Time to buy some more discs I guess lol
Lovely... took me months to find that disc because it’s discontinued
Joe Random September 22, 2020 at 6:47pm
Lost my orange Champion Valkyrie on hole 17 somewhere close to the little creek. Couldn't find it anywhere.
Corey Carpenter August 26, 2020 at 10:27pm
Lost a Vacationland MVP Octane on hole 10 assumed to be in pines i can offer a small reward or maybe even a used disc for it back if found has phone number on it im not local so hard for me to come by and look again thanks!!
it went left into the pines towards the basket i believe !
thanks anyways ya i figure someone probably found it already and took it lol
Austin Meade July 27, 2020 at 2:44am
I lost my red/pink colored first run crank SS on hole 6 pine trees. If found, $$$ reward available
Brad Anderson July 2, 2020 at 1:58pm
Sorry Scott no pocket knife, but I'm pretty sure I did see a copperhead just before the 13 tee.
Still had a yellow tipped tail, about 3' long. If found please don't return.
Scott Williams July 1, 2020 at 9:18am
My pocket knife fell out of my pocket during League on 6/29. It is a Sand/Tan color in the handle. If anyone finds it, I'm offering a $20 reward for it's return.
Check in by 5:30; I believe tee off is around 5:45. I checked on Udsic. Also Mike posts on the Summit and/or NEO Facebook pages.