Hudson Mills Metropark
Dexter, MI · 2 courses · 48 holes
Original · Reviews

Played in winter with 1" of snow, short tees to baskets, as well as once over the summer. Great course overall for beginners and slightly less punishing than the Monster. Average hole length is high ...
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I consider Hudson Mills my home course location. The Original is my favorite course close to home and was where I started playing. I like the options of A-F holes and like the wide open field shots. I ...
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Wonderful course, very clean, clearly marked. Never too crowded. Mixture of shots moving right to left and left to right. Some open, some wooded. Not a huge difference between short and long tees on m ...
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The Original course is a little easier to play than the Monster. The first half of the course is open, the second half in the woods with some tough shots especially off the back tee. Two shorter holes ...
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Now that my shoulder is serviceable and I have more experience, I need to update my review of HM/Original.
This is a fine course due to the variety of holes and shots needed. I think it gives a gre ...
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You have to pay to get in and play so make a day of it, it's worth it. I played the shorts. Course gives to a lot of different tee shots so its dose not get boring. The are some open holes, some short ...
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The short of it: one of the best courses around not because of its challenge, but because it is well maintained, full of shot variety, plenty of ace runs, and home to some awesome wildlife. A personal ...
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Well maintained 18-24 hole course with long and short cement tees and a full set of baskets. The baskets could use an update but still functional enough to do their disc catching job. A great course f ...
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This course is in stark contrast to Monster. Plenty of duece opportunities here. This course is a lot more perfected (in my opinion) than Monster. The fairways are clear and removed of the bad brush, ...
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love the course, i leave my A+ for my favorite course of flip city.
But nothing in michigan is better then hudson although there are other A level courses.
complaining about Pay 2 Play (P2P) is horr ...
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This is really an "A" course, only giving a minus for some very minor details. The first is the cost - $5/car to enter the park plus $2/day or $50/annually to play disc golf. I don't disagree with ...
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This course Is great! It has so much variety with a mixture of thick wooded tunnel types, open fields/meadows, Large Hilly openly wooded Areas, to the cooler swamp where water will rise and fall with ...
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It had been awhile since playing this course and I realized that this is definately one of my favourites. Even from the shorts it offers plenty of challenge and of course having plenty of chances for ...
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Bring your A game and then some! Hudson Mills disc golf complex is what disc golf courses should support to look like! Well manicured clean no littering. You have two 24 hole courses with the best ...
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Discatcher Pros were installed for 2018– great improvement!
The Original is a well manicured, nicely designed course. There are two concrete tee pads on each of the 24 holes, and the 24 baskets a ...
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Monster · Reviews

Played in winter with 1" of snow, short tees to baskets. Pretty good course overall with a lot of variety. Was not the biggest fan of all the sub-200 foot holes, and the long tees barely added to di ...
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I consider Hudson Mills my home course location. I prefer the OG over the Monster, but I really enjoy this course also. It has a good mix of woods shots and open fields. It fits my style of play with ...
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The Monster is mostly flat, it's only drawback. The letter holes are some of the toughest I've ever played from the back tees. Narrow fairways with some trees. If you play in the summer make sure you ...
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They have torn this course up stumps and sticks everywhere, the course is in rough shape they have done a bang up job opening fairways and removing any chance of it being hard shot to the baskets ams ...
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Nice course, could definitely use more in the way of directing golfers to the next tee pad, especially when crossing the road. Had a tough time finding 16. Found 17 before 16, so we had to back track. ...
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After seeing all the great reviews on this site and others, I figured I had to play it since I live less then an hour away. I was really looking forward about playing the course but I was very disappo ...
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Out of the ~60 courses I've played in Michigan, this is far and away the best. There are courses like Kensington, The Gulch, Burchfield, and Fallasburg. Any one of these is well worth a USDG champi ...
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This Monster course is growing on me. I'm enjoying this course more than the Original.
So far, I've played all the short tees and both the regular and champion baskets. So far, it seems that straig ...
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Similar feel to the Original course but I felt more slightly more challenging because seem to be more places to get into trouble. The monster hole is long even from the shorts, 650 I think, but not to ...
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Similar to my Original review, the Monster is another 18-24 hole course located right next to the Original. Hard to beat two 24 hole courses that are built strictly for disc golf. The Monster also has ...
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A monster for sure has lots to offer players of all levels. Beautiful landscapes just about everything except the wait was perfect. Glad I live close to this gem cause I be honing the skills there thi ...
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I love the double tee and basket courses. This one did a great job. Monster is a true championship caliber course with an amazing challenge. While the shorts looked fun and fine, I played the black - ...
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The short of it: monster drives, incredibly difficult champ baskets along with am baskets, and every shot type in the book make this a fun but difficult course. Big arms and players looking to hone th ...
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Awesome course, great challenges. Was the very first time I have ever played at this course. Many times at original course, just never played the monster. Had a decent round for my first time so it di ...
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love the course, i leave my A+ for my favorite course of flip city.
But nothing in michigan is better then hudson although there are other A level courses.
complaining about Pay 2 Play (P2P) is horr ...
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This is really an "A+" course, only giving an "A" for some very minor details. The first is the cost - $5/car to enter the park plus $2/day or $50/annually to play disc golf. I don't disagree with ...
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First time out at Hudson Mills. This place was great! Had a blast. Monster course has some great layouts. Love some of the tight fairways, they didn't love me, but all around, I enjoyed myself. Stony ...
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the monster doesnt really live up to its name. what because of hole 14's 1038 ft hole? my first time playing this i thought it would mirror the toboggan course with the name monster but as soon as i p ...
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this course was fun and a long walk, the holes were fair and fun to play we played the short course i think the long would have been to hard as it had a lot of tee shots that were a tonel effect the c ...
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This course rocks! I have played it many times so its my home court so i had to give it a A instead of A+ as i initially did b/c i love it dearly but want to leave a bit of expectation room for hoping ...
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This is my favorite course! Hudson Mills is what a disc golf course is support to look like! Well manicured clean no littering. You have two 24 hole courses with the best tee pads and every hole h ...
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Hudson Mills Monster Course
I remember when this course first went in. Allow me to set the stage.. I was a casual player for about eight years and never played another course other than Hudson Mil ...
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