Holly Woods
Holly, MI · 1 course · 24 holes

Lots of ace chances and different looking holes and beautiful scenery all year. You can do a 9 hole Loop or 18 or 24 with 6 insane alternates. It’s way back In the park in the hills but can definite ...
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Challenging course, but a TON of fun to play. Bonus holes are a bit more difficult if you're not the most accurate thrower, but for sure a course that everyone should try at least once or twice. Ple ...
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Very cool course with lots of variety, elevation, multiple course configurations, well kept, very few mosquitoes... The 18 are fun and have a couple different lines, the 6 extras are very challenging. ...
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Awesome course, love it. Been playing 20 years and after just 3 visits this course is in my top 10. Dramatic Views, All skill shots required to score well. Good Variety and elevation, short fun ace ...
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The front holes on this course really irritated me for some reason. Extremely muddy and just straight shots for the most part. No fun or adventure. I didn't start enjoying the course until I made it t ...
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Holly is one of my favorite courses to play. A wide variety of holes, some in the woods, the first 3 open. There are some long and very challenging holes that you can avoid and most people do, but I l ...
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Nice old, well-used course, plenty of par 3 holes over 300. Hills, old trees, lots of variety in the forest. No real water hazards but there are a couple places a bad bounce or terrible line could p ...
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No real lines on way too many holes. Felt like playing plinko. The pads were WAY to short. No way to get any real run up unless you start 5' off the pad and pray you don't loose your footing in the di ...
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Nearly perfect! Of course the Tee Box Slabs could be cleaned off, especially this close to Tourney time, they are very slippery. Loved the fact that SOME Hole Posts had the Distance posted on them a ...
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*Good Variety, seems to favor RHFH/LHBH to a degree.
*Holes 14-17 are MONSTROUS. Incredible change of pace.
*All concrete pads which is a plus, but they could all be wider. The teepads on the orig ...
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A bit better. The weeds are a bit overwhelming in spots. Enjoy the course tho, fun holes, solid baskets. Tee boxes are pretty short as well.

This is where I learned to play and was my home course till moving. I love the original 18 hole course the best but use the back holes if the course gets backed up. There are some unrealistic holes he ...
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This course was definitely a challenge. Many had told me how difficult this course is, and it was, especially the back 6 or the heavily wooded holes. But with many elevation changes, and with all th ...
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1st time through. Really, really liked the course.
The 2 state park courses are way up on my list (also Sleepy Hollow). Holly has some water in play on a couple holes, Has elevation changes.Has many ...
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HollyWoods is my home course, and my favorite course. With a full 24 holes that span from short and strait to long and blind, there is something for everyone. Most of the course is in a secluded woo ...
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This course started off great but near the end there isn't even a fairway on the holes. Might as well stand in an uncut forest and throw your disc as far as you can. A lot of road noise as well. It se ...
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Regular course is well designed and fairly challenging. The alternates are very difficult and a few holes are just plain retarded. The regular course has tee pads that are too short (5 feet long at mo ...
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Nice course and worth the drive. All kinds of terrain (new holes are a whole different animal) and might favor lefties. FH and OH shots come in handy on many holes. The woods are tricky and filled ...
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Some of the last holes are kindov rediculas based on the amount of trees, hills, and super long distance. don't like those holes, but the first 18 are Awesome! great distances and areas for where the ...
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