HEEB -A.J. B December 9 at 12:29pm
Are gates open? How about parking off of Tindall? Last time I was there they had put in a no parking sign
Paul Grasso May 14 at 7:03pm
Holly Woods will be closed for The Michigan Amateur Open on May 18th and 19th. The course will be open after 6pm each day
Paul Grasso May 10 at 8:13pm
Holly Woods will be closed for The Michigan Amateur Open on May 18th and 19th. The course will be open after 6pm each day
Jan Kruszewski May 6 at 4:01pm
Yo, lost a pink tattar explorer on hole one. Name and number are in it. That has become my workhorse fairway. Would love to get it back, I’ll pay a few bucks. Thanks!
Craig Rambo April 1 at 2:44pm
Have they opened the gate? It was closed last weekend but open before that.
RJ Brown January 18, 2024 at 2:59am
Are the gates still open?
Darren Harper December 31, 2023 at 2:36pm
Where do you park
Matt McGuire November 11, 2023 at 9:02pm
Lost a light blue heat with a "no fooling" stamp on #9 in or near the swamp. Has name and # on it. Please hit me up here if you can't read the phone number. Thank you.
Tim Weber November 5, 2023 at 7:38pm
I lost a prescription pair of Ray Bans some where after 13. My phone number and the words “Send Nudes” engraved on them. Reward if anyone comes up with them.
Christopher Kelley October 1, 2023 at 4:59pm
Lost orange virus with a yellow rim on 13 has glow dots on it
Joe Olson August 25, 2023 at 5:13pm
Does anyone know the current course conditions? Hoping to play here tomorrow.
There's a puddle here and there but everything on the normal 18 is all good and playable. The alternate holes have a couple sketchy tee pads but also playable
Hey Joe, I don't know about the course but my front door is open after ur done playing. Lol seriously tho if u can make it by. Long time no see!! Invite stands for any time!!
Shawn Herbert July 31, 2023 at 12:07pm
Found a Teebird on the right side of 18 yesterday, describe it and I'll try to get it back to you.
Nic Purves June 16, 2023 at 5:53pm
Are there plans to realign hole 14’s tee pad? Its current configuration is kinda awkward even with the old tee placement. Thanks for all your guys work, I’m just super curious that’s all. The brush clean up was very noticeable today and it looked great, especially on hole 10’s new pin location.
so this course is a multi stage approach, this tee pad, although pointed to nowhere, istn a safety issue like some of the other things that need to be addressed. It is needed to be done, but not before some of the tee pads that are at a 45 degree slope in the back ha
Nic Purves June 6, 2023 at 10:12pm
Sure I’ll get some flak, but was there consideration in keeping the original layout and just adding second pin positions? It would be nice to see the original layout available while also offering new options (A/B pins) instead of just switching some of the baskets up completely. I know some Amal’s might have a hard time with some of the recent changes since the course has become a tad more difficult, which there is nothing wrong with. Just my opinion and thoughts after playing last week.
Having multiple pin locations becomes very tricky with people having the ability to alter the course when leagues and tournaments will rely on consistent layouts and the ability for people to practice the course properly.
The original layout did have a couple questionable safety hazards. I think if you want a fun/beginner friendly, layout, you could always make a dirt pad, short layout, on UDisc. For beginners or approach practice. I did this at Latham Park and some people enjoy it.
brent guest June 2, 2023 at 5:10pm
hello all! There will be a B-Tier event at Holly on Saturday, June 3rd and a cash doubles event on Sunday June 4th, please be aware of high use on the course until 3pm! thank you!
Grant Coleman May 31, 2023 at 1:03pm
Lost a yellow esp flx undertaker on the left of 6.
Paul Grasso May 17, 2023 at 3:30pm
Just a heads up, the course will be closed Saturday and Sunday(May 20-21) until 4pm for the Michigan Amateur Open
Mark Stephens April 25, 2023 at 2:25pm
Just as a heads up, there is tournament this Saturday. It is a full field of 72. The course is not closed and I am using a modified format using 6 of the holes in the back, skipping 6 holes on the original 18. Play will be slow.
Nick Oliver April 9, 2023 at 10:14pm
Was informed by club members that earlier today there were multiple thefts via smash and grab at Holly. No disc golf stolen from club member but his wives purse was taken. Not sure about the others. Figured it was worth sharing.
That sucks. Good reminder to keep valuable stowed out of sight. Hope all is well with you, Nick. Thanks for posting.
We went there yesterday and gates were closed and everyone parked on tindall
Ok, thanks
Park on Tindall, but don't park in front of the business that is on the corner of Dixie and Tindall. The trucks that deliver to that business need room to pull into their lot