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Hanson Hills Recreation Area

Grayling, MI · 2 courses
The Hill · 24 holes
Pine Knoll · 18 holes


Pay to play

Donation Tube: $2 Recommended. All Proceeds go toward Course maintenance and growth.

The Hill · Est 2010 · 24 holes
Designed by John Minicuci & Ryan Herzog
24 Hole Course with a lot of elevation change. It begins at the base of the Downhill Ski area and plays up and around the hill range. Bring water. Beautiful landscape. Challenging course.
Pine Knoll · Est 2011 · 18 holes
Designed by Justin Andre
18 Hole Course with two separate Pins and Concrete Tee Pads for each hole. A shorter course with much less elevation than the Rotary DGC -- the Pine Knoll is an easy walk and enjoyable course with 72 different possible holes to play.


Course Conditions