Jimmy Wallace
Anyone know if the doubles league is still meeting right now? Or is it canceled due to covid? Sep 4, 2020
Wes Fenton Sep 14, 2020Currently still meeting on Wednesdays at 5:30. Will probably be moving to 5 soon as days are getting shorter.
Kevin C Gross
I walked the Golden Bear course this morning and found it poorly marked, impossibly steep, with ancient wooden signs that were all but illegible. The walkways were mud pits, peppered by frequent deadfall. How does this rate a B+? Very scenic but not at all beginner friendly. Aug 8, 2020
Zac Richardson
More than a couple people had a hand or two in designing these two courses. But the most recent person is I believe Stephen Cammer. Feb 20, 2015
J L Feb 20, 2015That's my uncle. I was thinking this was the course he said he designed. He's the man