This course includes six (6) baskets but no dedicated tee stations. To tee off for the next basket players must remain behind the current basket and within six (6) feet of that basket’s center pole. ...
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This course includes six (6) baskets but no dedicated tee stations. To tee off for the next basket players must remain behind the current basket and within six (6) feet of that basket’s center pole.
Players are encouraged to celebrate any ace thrown on the course with the Ace Bell. Video / photograph yourself ringing the bell and post a picture to the course page here.
There are two (2) mandatories on the course. One is a grouping of stones off the Northwest corner of the house, and play must be to the North and West of this mandatory. The drop zone for passing over or on the wrong side of this mandatory is within six (6) feet North or West of the center stone without advancing towards the next basket, and there is a one (1) throw penalty for using this drop zone. The second mandatory is the Ace Bell off the Northeast corner of the house, and play must be to the North and East of this mandatory. The drop zone for passing over or on the wrong side of this mandatory is within six (6) feet North or East of the post without advancing towards the next basket, and there is a one (1) throw penalty for using this drop zone. These mandatories are to protect the house or any part thereof.
If a player throws a disc that hits the house or any part thereof, that throw counts towards their total score but does not count for direction or distance. The player must throw again from the previous spot, gains an additional one (1) throw to their score as penalty, and pay to repair any damage done to the house or any part thereof.
If a player throws a disc that hits the granite course marker or any part thereof, that throw counts towards their total score but does not count for direction or distance. The player must throw again from the previous spot, gains an additional ten (10) throws to their score as penalty, and pay to repair any damage done to the granite marker or any part thereof. Players are prohibited from launching any throw that intentionally would travel directly South of the house. This area is reserved for parking and this rule is to protect the vehicles.
Property owner is not liable for damage or loss of personal property, injury, or death of any player. Players participate at their own risk.
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