Tyler Sherman October 1, 2011 at 1:21am
Trying to organize a 3 park singles series for $20 a person and depending on how many people we get willing to do this, we will pay out hopefully top 3-5 spots, 100% payout...just a rough idea as of this moment and would like to hear what people have to say...If this interests you at all, message me and we'll try to get things set up. Not sure on the 3 parks yet probably take a vote after we get people committed Looking to set this up0 for some time in the next few weeks so get back to me ASAP 1 week deadline on it so we can get crackin on the date and get this show on the road!!
Aaron Bruinsma September 27, 2011 at 12:37am
Frozen Fallasburg Winter League:
Starts Sun, October 23rd at 1 PM, and every Sunday after. $20 to join, $5 per week. Members will receive 2 discs and other goodies. Same format as the summer league except short pads from 5 and 16 when the snow comes. League will run through first week of April, so even if you dont like playing in the snow youll have plenty of chances to make it out. Hope to see a alot of yall out there.
Tialor Byrne July 15, 2011 at 4:03pm
hey that's my disc and that is my number 589-3719 so if you could give me a call i will tell you what it is please and thank you
Tyler Sherman July 15, 2011 at 4:45am
That is my buddy Tialor's here is his number
616-589-3719 he will tell you what it is...
Marc Doonan July 15, 2011 at 3:34am
FOUND: white disc "Toby" on hole 16 no number. Tell me what type of disc and its yours...
Nick Bosovich June 17, 2011 at 2:06am
I would be down for a glow round out there, let me know if this actually goes down!
patricio gonzalez III June 16, 2011 at 11:46pm
we are thinking about shooting a glow round on sat june 25.anybody interested should holler at us at leagues.yesterdog guys.all are invited.
Tyler Sherman June 2, 2011 at 4:04pm
Lost a star Xcaliber on hole 16 after the short tee and to the left of the trees in the clearing somehow it disappeared reward if found max weight and name and info on bottom
Brian Cole February 17, 2011 at 2:28am
Also, considering the weather, I hope more people show up on Sundays between noon and 1 pm for leagues. $2 to play, with optional $1 ctp and $1 50/50. $20 to join gets you a custom disc/mini and the end of the league doubles tournament/party.
Brian Cole February 17, 2011 at 2:23am
Its raining, almost 50 degrees, sun is shining and snow is melting. I've got a Z Comet, Cryztal Avenger SS, Star TeeBird, and Elite X Nuke on various holes throughout the course. They all should have name and numbers on em so if ya are out and find a disc, get it back to its owner. It'll come back to ya in DG karma!
ALH 5870 January 10, 2011 at 11:43pm
A big Kudos to those clearing the teepads. Your efforts are much appreciated
Aaron Bruinsma November 14, 2010 at 11:35am
Thinking about putting a winter league together. Probably be 1:00 pm every Sat or Sun starting the weekend of the 12th or 19th of December. If there's enough interest (at least 30 people) Im going to get some custom stamped discs and minis. If so it will be $20 to join, if not it will be much less. Full payout doubles tourny at the end of the season regardless. Just trying to see how much interest there is right now.....
ALH 5870 August 17, 2010 at 11:34pm
Found a info book belonging to Thomas Tolentino on Hole #5>
If you know him.... please relay this info
Thanx Al H 5870
Mike Branch July 18, 2010 at 6:25am
found some hundai keys out at fallasburg with a black caribeaner hit me up if there yours
Dolf Frolfer III July 9, 2010 at 6:24pm
Mike D-
i just noticed the FAF Open. i'd be glad to come over there and get my arse kicked in the open division, just to play with you. I'll speak with my wife, then hopefully pre-reg soon.
Mike Durco July 9, 2010 at 12:52am
Mike R.. I play Fallasburg more than any course.. it's my home course.. I'm out there 4 days a week usually (april- nov for the past 3 yrs) I play in the Open division, I am sponsored, I have won Open tournaments, I've traveled the country playing National Tour events and A-tiers, I have qualified and gone to all of the World Championships since 2002 (except for the 07 Worlds which I choose not to attend), I took 2nd at the MI state championships last year (winning the USDGC spot ... more
Dolf Frolfer III July 3, 2010 at 7:26pm
I don't know much about scoring. Having long par 3's is like setting a goal. I can get my disc out near the basket in 2 shots on 16. This tells me that a 3 is acheiveable. 50% of the time I get a par(3) on hole 1. I still get 5's or 6's on hole 5 though. This tells me that I need to work on this hole or my scores will continue to suck.
I don't really care what par is. My thinking is that I would like to take an actual shot off from my game, not add a stroke to par.
Mike Durco July 2, 2010 at 9:52pm
Al, U are speaking of SSA (scratch scoring average). This is usually inaccurate due to the fact SSA is only calculated during large events for the Open division, where the best players in the world are competing. Par should be calculated according to what an average disc golfer scores on a hole. Average is kind of a hard term to define, I guess it would be an Am II disc golfer. If a hole averages 3.5 - 4.0 than it would be a par 4, I feel it should be rounded up to the next whole #, since U c ... more
ALH 5870 July 2, 2010 at 8:52pm
Mike I don't know what happend to your last post but I'm responding anyways.
I do agree that par 3 golf is old school and not really reflective of the growing lengths of courses and disc technolgy.
In regards to establishing par, the PGA does do in the way you mentioned based on pro golfers. But my question is what do you consider the "green" when in comes to disc golf. If it is the 10 meter circle, then 2 putts from there seems a little high. Not being a pro level golfer ...
Tialor Byrne October 6, 2011 at 4:50am
hey everyone my buddy lost my tie die buzz on hole 5 on his first shot may be 80 ft up and to the left if any one finds it could you let me know that would be awesome thanks